Start: 27/09 09:00

IFRS17 and the possibility of a financial transformation

  • Finance function of the future: IFRS17 as a stepping stone for a financial transformation.
  • How to go from feasibility study to implementation of IFRS 17 in the best way
  • Customer stories: how Swiss Re and Brighthouse managed to modernize its finance function and ensure regulatory requirements simultaneously


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Slides on this link and on this link

Anders Efraimsson
Strategic Senior Solution Advisor
SAP Sweden

Tags: finance, analytics, sap, sap knowledge

Number of participants: 6

  • Eva-Maria Fahrer  
    SBN-Adfahrer AB
  • Joakim Löves  
    SBN-Adfahrer AB
  • Bernt Bakken  
    SBN - Adfahrer AB
  • Martin Brownsword  
    SBN-Adfahrer AB
  • Jose Eximeno  
    Takeda Norway Holding AS
  • Didrik Arstad  
    SBN - Adfahrer AB