Intro to SAP Business Process Intelligence
November 10th, 09:00-12:00
Business process intelligence (BPI) solutions from SAP provide end-to-end capabilities for strategic process transformation and the reinvention of customer experiences. BPI lays the foundation for the Intelligent Enterprise of the future.
In this 3h workshop we will do deep dives into different areas of SAP’s BPI portfolio with experts from SAP.
- SAP BPI Big Picture and Roadmap
- SAP Process Insights overview and demo
Wassilios Lolas
Global Vice President, Head of the Center of Excellence, Business Process Intelligence at SAP
- SAP Signavio overview and demo
Ian Grange
SAP Global Centre of Excellence - Analytics and BPI
- BPI Improvement overview and demo
- Deep Dive Process Improvement
- Demo RPA - Dietmar
- Demo Workflow Management
Dietmar Steinbichler
Solution Management - SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation
- How to get started?
Wassilios Lolas (LinkedIn)
Global Vice President, Head of the Center of Excellence, Business Process Intelligence, SAP
Ian Grange (LinkedIn)
SAP Global Centre of Excellence - Analytics and BPI, SAP
Dietmar Steinbichler (LinkedIn)
Enterprise Architect, SAP
Recordings: [slides]
Part 1 - Wassilios Lolas
Part 2 - Ian Grange
Part 3 - Dietmar Steinbichler
Contact Martin if you have questions or comments:
Martin Brownsword
Head of Innovation Team IT, HANA, Projects
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 917 11 593
Tags: it, hana, projects, sap, sap knowledge
Number of participants: 31
Ilya AmosovS5 Consulting
Annie Kløvrud SkaugArcus-Gruppen AS
Geir SundeBouvet
Toralf RuglandEquinor ASA
Ketil MartinsenElkjøp Nordic
Berit EideBouvet
Daniel Boer JohannessenHelse Midt-Norge
Bernt BakkenSBN-Adfahrer
Thoralf AndreassenVår Energi
Tom Michael StensrødBouvet
Ingeborg LootzAkselera
Terje WoldStatkraft AS
Robert SipinaBouvet
Arild BjørnengNTT DATA Business Solutions
Martin BrownswordSBN-Adfahrer
Sonja Hennie HansenHelse Midt-Norge
Ian GrangeSAP SE
Dietmar SteinbichlerSAP Sverige
Wassilios LolasSAP SE
Wenche Irene NordenstamElkjøp Nordic
Ann-Magritt CarlsenTechnipFMC
Christine HøyvenEquinor
Goncalo VazCoop Norge SA
Silvia GomezNorsk Medisinaldepot AS
Tor-Inge NesForsvaret
Inge LøvåsenStatkraft AS
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Telmo PereiraSopra Steria
Gerhard MaierNorske Skog AS
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Joakim LövesSBN-Adfahrer