SAP JAM Collaboration

Start: 8/03 13:00

SAP Jam Collaboration

In this session, a SAP Jam product manager will provide you with an overview and demo of SAP Jam:

  • Learn about how companies are using SAP Jam today to transform their HR, sales, service, marketing, and IT processes
  • See a demo on core capabilities and recent innovations, such as the self-service knowledge base
  • Hear about SAP Jam's product strategy, and how it has evolved from an enterprise collaboration platform, to a modern intranet, to a digital workplace
  • Read more about SAP Jam here

Webcast login information sent automatically upon registration.

  • Free of charge for members and partners (if it shows a price, it is likely that you are not registered in our system, send an email to and we will fix it for you)
  • Free to test for "first timers".
    Send an e-mail to and login information will be sent.

Tags: cx, retail, finance, analytics, hr, remuneration, it, hana, projects, sap, sap knowledge, supply chain

Number of participants: 8

  • Annabelle Roux  
  • Eva-Maria Fahrer  
    SBN-Adfahrer AB
  • Monica Dalby Lømo  
    Norgesgruppen Data
  • Ann Magritt Carlsen  
  • Anne Robberstad  
    Norgesgruppen Data
  • Ulrich Hoffmann  
    SAP SE
  • Febrianti Wibawa  
  • Martin Brownsword  
    SBN-Adfahrer AB