UNICEF förbereder den största generationen i historien
Posted by Cathrine Kjær on 14/01/2020 17:23
More than one in five young people are not in employment, education, or training. To address this global problem, SAP recently announced a partnership with UNICEF to provide digital skills to youths and help prepare them to join the workforce.
UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore (left) and Benes lead a meeting of Generation Unlimited Champions. Image via UNICEF.
Here, Roberto Benes, director of Generation Unlimited, a global public-private partnership currently hosted by UNICEF, talks about the urgency of its mission to prepare the world’s 2 billion youth for decent work and active citizenry — and why the partnership with SAP is of critical importance.
Q: Generation Unlimited has a mission to prepare 2 billion youth by 2030. Can you provide some context to these numbers and the sense of urgency driving this mission?
A: This is the largest generation of young people in history. These young people are asking to enter into the world of work with skills, opportunities, dignified roles, and dreams. This is happening now, but the economy is not creating the jobs we need for this large group. Here is just one example: 12 million young people join the African labor force every year, but only 3.7 million jobs are created.
In addition, the skills required by the market are not the skills that are being taught within the education system globally. This urgent mismatch of skills must be addressed, or we will have millions of young people at risk of being left behind. The principle of leaving no one behind is very important for Generation Unlimited. About 260 million young people are not in employment, education, or training. This is a heavy burden that if we don’t address it right here, right now, will carry over to the next generation with additional gravity. This is the calling of our time.