SBN - Experience with GDPR/Deletion of HR data day
September 14, 08:30-13:35
Knowledge exchange focusing on 'Experience with GDPR' 3 years after the law was implemented and experiences/customer cases on Deletion of HR data. HR Data is very integrated and can even be important for calculation after people have left the company. This makes HR data especially difficult to handle. There are many tools and GDPR has and forces the deletion of data, but this has to be made with exceptional care.
Register early to make sure you do not forget this important event. Register now!
Contact Bernt if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.
Bernt Bakken
Head of HR in SBN
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 480 34 248
• Link to pictures from 2019
• Link to agenda from 2019
• Link to agenda from 2020
PS: Registration is free if your company has a membership in SBN. The most common purchased annual fee is 25.600NOK which is equal to approximately 2.400Euro. For this relativly small annual amount you and 3 more of your colleagues can register for free to all SBN events (excluding the conference) during 12 months. The only thing you need is a personal SBN account which is connected to the company which owns the membership. With this personal account you can log in and register for free to all SBN events.
Tags: hr, remuneration
Number of participants: 57
Bernt BakkenSBN-Adfahrer
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Catherine AdamsSopra Steria
Ole Martin MoeDatatilsynet
Sebastian ToroCognizant
Bjørn Kåre AmdalSopra Steria
Marita JohansenSariba Consulting AS
Kim Ølberg HansenEquinor
John H. LundIBM
Mark HolmesBritish Telecom
Steve PeirceTJC Group
Silje JansenDirektoratet for økonomistyring
Jevgēnijs JeļņiksZalaris AS
Lene OslandCameron Norge AS
Anne JørpelandDirektoratet for økonomistyring
Veronika MidtgårdAibel AS
Puneet GuptaNTT DATA Business Solutions
Stian WindslandS5 Consulting
Jonathan BrownNorgesGruppen HR-Tjenester AS
Jan Thomas JensenAkerBP
Merete Rong SløverenTechnipFMC
John H. LundIBM
Kathe-Laila VisteHalliburton AS
Kim Ølberg HansenEquinor
Trine BjerkestrandTechnipFMC
Elisabeth HellandDirektoratet for økonomistyring
Mads PedersenDirektoratet for økonomistyring
Elin Haukeland MadellSariba
Ida CarlsenDirektoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring
Vandana MansharamaniSAP SE
Sharath JolsSAP SE
Tonje RosliCognizant
Merete Rong SløverenTechnipFMC
Anne MaibauerCognizant
Hege EkrenNortura
Svein KoldenBasis Consulting
Tone HolmenDNB ASA
Hanne FjetlandDirektoratet for økonomistyring
Hege Engh TrondalenMatiq AS
Anita SolaAker Solutions AS
Fred Kenneth PetersenEquinor
Per HelgesplassNTT DATA Business Solutions
Tore EkMatiq AS
Borghild GrønnestadSariba Consulting AS
Atle GrindeDNB ASA
Hanne SyversenABB AS
Jessy Kyalo MusyimiKomplett Services AS
Nina SchmidConocoPhillips Norge
Silje JansenDirektoratet for økonomistyring
Kirsti TaggeZalaris AS
Vigdis FløystølCognizant
Esmin PuskarEquinor
caroline reiersenMHWirth AS
Frode SkaarCognizant
Camilla PedersenNorgesGruppen ASA
Rilén HålandCognizant