15 million for projects that has circular solutions as a result

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 21/01/2020 08:37

Team up for new high-impact projects. 

Nordic Innovation makes 16 million NOK available for projects that change the way people and goods move and 15 million for circular solutions.

New call for proposals: NOK 15 million to circular solutions

Nordic Innovation challenges Nordic cities, companies, public bodies, industries, NGOs and other stakeholders to team up for new high-impact projects and to develop new circular solutions. The call covers the two following areas:

  • Circular Cities: Public-private collaboration & Nordic cities as frontrunners in circularity
  • New circular innovations, products, services and processes

Budget: NOK 15 million  Application deadline:  26 March 2020  Application opens: 21 January 2020.

Link to this project on Nordic Innovation site. 


Call for proposals: NOK 16 million for projects that change the way people and goods move

Are you working with smart mobility solutions that have the potential for creating high impact? Companies, public sector organizations, cluster organizations, business networks and research institutions as well as applicants seeking to build a strong Nordic consortium for future EU projects on mobility and connectivity are invited to apply for funding. The call covers two topics:

1. Seamless, integrated and people-centric mobility
2. Sustainable, secure, energy-efficient and decarbonized mobility

Budget: NOK 16 million  Application deadline: 31 March 2020 Application opens: ?  But  for your information the program was launched in May 2018 and is one of Nordic Innovation’s three thematic priorities for the period 2018-21. A total of NOK 60 million has been allocated to the program.

Link to this project on Nordic Innovation site.



Eva-Maria FahrerNordic Innovation aims to make the Nordics a pioneering region for sustainable growth and works to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness in Nordic business. They support programs and projects which contribute in fulfilling the goals of the Cooperation Program for Innovation and Business 2018-2021 which is decided by the Nordic Ministers for Business and Innovation.

I get their newsletter and found these projects to be interesting for our members. I would love to be informed if these "calls" actually genereate a contribution to a project. Please get in touch. Contact information em(at)sbn.no  +47 922 52 539 or talk to Bernt, Didrik, Joakim or Martin. All contact information is found here 
Eva-Maria Fahrer, CEO SBN-Adfahrer

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