Balance and Simplicity - is the new focus

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 12/06/2019 11:37

Living the good life used to mean enjoying Comfort and Luxury without worries about trashing our planet. Not anymore. Today Balance and Simplicity - is the new focus. Rather than seeking money and status people today are today seeking “balance and simplicity, along with closer connections to family, community, and the environment as foundations of a life well lived.”

Between 65 and 95 percent of people today want to live a more sustainable life, and to purchase products that support a more sustainable future. This has tremendous impact on companies that wish to remain competitive in the new landscape.

Brands which want to be Sustainable have to be clear about their purpose and vision. They create road maps for continuously developing more sustainable business practices.  One example is Proctor & Gamble, the consumer products giant company. 

Proctor & Gamble is stepping up its circular economy initiatives by manufacturing bottles from plastic collected from beaches and oceans. The company has also pledged to recycle and reclaim 5 billion liters of water annually from its manufacturing processes.  The company has even invented a technology that can regain valuable material like plastic cellulose from soiled disposable diapers. Read the full story on this link published by SAP



Sustainability and Trust

Sustainability and Trust are our "key words" for the
SBN Conference 2019, see this link. 

IT systems supporting enviromental smart process will contribute to a change which is positve for our world. Today much is scrapped wich could bring value if the process is changed. To use garbage as a raw material is also a game changer as Proctor & Gamble does in the example above. Companies use and produce large volumes which means that if a company is able to scale up a enviromental friendly change, this will have a big impact. Join the SBN Conference to exchange ideas!

This is published by: Eva-Maria Fahrer,
If you have comments, would like to discuss or ask questions:
 +47 922 52 539 and +46 (0)70 569 78 08 or em(at)

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