Discuss your SAP plans and get improvement idéas from experts

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 25/08/2020 10:09

SBN Norwegian language På SBN-konferansen vil ekspertene fra våre utstillere være klare til å diskutere planene dine.

Det er enda lettere å få tak i den virkelige eksperten da han / hun vil være i beredskap og ikke trenger å reise.


SBN English At the SBN Conference will the experts from our exhibitors be ready to discuss your plans. It's even easier to get hold of the real expert as he/she will be on stand-by and will not have to travel.

Use the camera of your phone to scan the QR code. Click the box which opens, this will open the link to the webpage where you can reply ... use the form below, send an e-mail or call if you like to share thoguhts or ideas.

The question is: Will you use the opportunity and talk to the SBN Conference exhibitors? The screen below the QR code shows replies in real time.

QR code SBN Exhibitor question

Eva-Maria FahreerI'm proud to say the SBN conference 2020 will be fantastic! It will be interesting to see if you even may prefer the virtual version. It's cost and time efficient. Networking will be different, we need to collaborate to make it good. No one has to travel which means we save the environmet and help the society ...

Comments or ideas? Call me 922 52 539  or +46 70 569 78 08 or send me an e-mail em(at)adfahrer.com


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