Ebook - How Data Volume Management contributes to sustainability

Posted by Joakim Löves on 29/06/2023 14:46

TJC Group

Did you know data, growing at exponential rates, is one of IT’s hidden polluters? Today the digital economy accounts for 3 to 4% of the worldwide greenhouse gas emissions1. Is your organisation committed to reducing its carbon footprint? Find out how to keep your business sustainable in 2023. 

Download this Ebook to find out ways to reduce your organisation’s CO2 Footprint. Contribute towards your company’s sustainability targets through thoughtful data volume management. ♻️

This Ebook also shares practical examples of how proactive Data Archiving and a proper Information Lifecycle Management plan helps to reduce IT TCO (total cost of ownership) versus the cost of simply doing nothing.

Questions answered by this ebook 

  • Understand why data is a rapidly growing invisible polluter.
  • What is the effect of doing nothing to curb data growth?
  • How SAP Data Archiving and SAP ILM achieve energy savings
  • Where does Legacy System decommissioning fit into this framework
  • Case Study by a large international beverage company

Donwload the Ebook on this link


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