Experience so far in the journey to a cloud environment

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 21/11/2022 15:34

SBN Conference 2022 Marianne Wiik NorturaMarianne Wik, SAP Lead Architect at Nortura shared experience so far in the journey to a cloud and RISE "environment".

Nortura moves their ECC into a RISE agreement. Marianne shares why Nortura did choose a RISE agreement. In this video she also explains the Nortura business processes and company structure and gives us a little about their IT history. She also shares a litte about the plans for the future.

See embedded recoding below

Start the recording above, SBN Conference 2022 - Nortura - Strategy for moving to S4HANA on RISE

Alternately go to the SBN Conference agenda and from there to the presentation, use this link:  Link to the SBN Conference agenda with Mariannes presentation


Eva-Maria FahrerTip from Eva-Maria. A very interesting presentation with good advice for your journey




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