Happy Easter
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 12/04/2022 09:21
We wish you a Happy and Relaxing Easter Holliday! Here you find some entertaining and/or useful links... We look forward to meet again after Easter.
Before Easter the SBN Workshop: Business Technology Platform and the first event after Easter is the Retail Day April 20, see link.
The "How to cook eggs to perfection" is always relevant this time of the year even if published in 2019, see link
Tip! Bernt fant en spennende artikkel fra Erik Ebert.
Workforce Diversity – Why it matters and how to measure
Og denne, en annen link for påske nyhet:
Climate 21 Circular Economy And Climate - A Chat With Stephen Jamieson
Two stories. Tip by a Donald Ross MBA, Head of Learning & Engagement Solutions SAP, which was sent to Bernt.
- “Opportunity Marketplace or Learning eXperience Platform (LXP)” - There's a new player in town, its name is the “Opportunity Marketplace”
- “Preparing your workforce for the future”
Short about SBN, if you did not join our annual meeting:
2 576 participants in 2021. Growth also this year.
As many as 1 196 participants are unique, which means almost 1 200 people at least popped in to one of our events. We also have statistics on how long they stayed which showes most of the 1 196 actually stayed quite some time. In additiona to this our recordings had 5226 views and 2 042 out of the 5 226 where unique people. I presume the 1 196 unique people are also did watch the recorings. Still it means we in addition reached 846 even if virtuall only.
If you haven't seen our SBN annual report (virksomhetens årsberetning). The numbers are found in the report among more statistics. See these links. One opens quick but pictures are not nice and one opens as a download but pictures look OK, as it is a High resultion Quality version. (Low Quality image link) (High Quality image link).
SBN CLT in work, picture from the only Face2Face meet we had 2021 due to Covid.
In picture Kjell Jensen, Kolbjørn Havnes, Didrik Arstad, Svanhild Didriksen, Gunn Elisabeth Løland Lending, Bernt Bakken and Joakim Löves. Picture taken by EM Fahrer
Picture below from first SBN CLT meeting with the new Core Leadership Team.
Our new team member Jan Morten Solhaug from Cyberforsvarets digitaliseringsavdeling is marked with a star.
First row with Head-phones our President Kjell Jensen Anora Group (Previus Arcus) and below him our Vice President Nick Banks from Nets.
And something compleatly different.
Do you need some comfort in these strange times with covid and the war in Ukraine? I listen to Isabella Lundgren and her album "Look for the Silver Lining" from 2021 where I find comfort. I listen on Spotify. The link goes to YouTube.
The album hosts a collection of songs which all have as a team, it's ok to fail and be sorry but you have to "pick yourself up". Isabella had herself explained to a journalist the album has the puruse to be a light in the dark, and I agree.
I'm especilly fond of the two songs "Pick Yourself Up" which first time was released in 1936 during the depression and "It's a Good Day" which was first time released in 1946 which for ordinary people was tuff times short after the second world war.
The SBN team wishes you
a Happy and relaxing Easter!
... and we look forward to meet you again - contact info SBN CLT here and the Adfahrer backoffice team here