Listen to SAP’s Chief Strategy Officer addressing the three major pillars of SAPs Strategy

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 01/11/2022 12:38

See the recording from the SBN Conference:

Sebastian Steinheuser, SAP’s Chief Strategy Officer, will share SAPs Strategy and open for a dialog whitin the three major pillars:
- How can SAP support Business Transformation?
- How to prepare companies to become Sustainable?
- How to enable resilience and connect globally in the Supply Chain?


Eva-Maria Fahrer, CEO of SBN

This presentation is very worth listening to.

In 30 minutes, Sebastian manages to explain how the management team thinks and plans for SAP's solutions today and in the future. I know facts and figures are double-checked to be correct as of October 19, 2022. Things are constantly evolving and changing but this presentation is a very good up-to-date SAP strategy presentation October 2022.

The presentation is just under 30 minutes long. A theme I know many people are interested in is integration. Sebastian focuses on the integration of SAP's own solutions 24 and a half minutes into the presentation. If you are specifically interested in integration, then integration in general is Sebastian's focus from about 23 minutes into the presentation. Eva-Maria Fahrer, CEO SBN

All SBN Conference recordings on this link (look for the video symbol) or use the link below.


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