Pictures from SAP User Group SIG Leads Meet 2023
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 23/03/2023 08:47
Picture with all participants 2023 sent by Indrajanto Müller-Gaska, Global User Groups Organization, SAP SE
The SBN March 21 program
SBN team outside of Pop-Up FactoryExperience Center in Walldorf
Visit Pop-Up FactoryExperience Center in Walldorf
Visit Pop-Up FactoryExperience Center in Walldorf
SBN group picture visit Pop-Up FactoryExperience Center in Walldorf
Craig Dale from UKSIG together with Indrajanto Müller-Gaska from SAP opening the Networking program for the150 UserGroups members.
SAP Strategy Update, Sven Denecken, SVP & Chief Marketing and Solutions Officer for Industries & CXWelcome and SAP KeyNotes incl Q&A session
Vassilios Lolas, Global VP, Head of the Center of Excellence, SAP Signavio
Vassilios Lolas, Global VP, Head of the Center of Excellence, SAP Signavio
Panel Discussion representtives from SAPSA, VNSG and SAP. (SAP= Vassilios Lolas, Arne Speck and Bert Schultze)
The Dutch UserGroup VNSG started the UG travel and Henning was one of the founders. He attended and was thanked by Craig from the UK and Ireland UG. (In background Indrajanto)
On the March 22, the "Meet the experts" sessions
Gathering in the morning
Gathering in the room, Vassilios Lolas opening the session I attended.
Vassilios Lolas checking the pre-sent questions are adressed and new questions. All listed to be ticked off in the end of the session.
A few picturs from the SBN specific presentations in the afternoon.
SAP Datasphere
Document Reporting Compliance
And then ... 15:45 Transfer to Frankfurt Airport to fly to Oslo 21:20
And a few picures from the social nettworking - an important part of the SIG meeting.
Picture, the early SBN arrivers on Monday evening... almost all made the dinner but unfortunatly no pictures was made.
Tuesday dinner a networking activity for 150 people. There was a lot of dicussions cross UG. In picture SBN UG members and all other UGs in the bakground.
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer Contact info is found here