Pictures from SBN Project Day
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 24/04/2024 15:25
Total Focus is on the S/4 & BTP projects. We learned from other projects and updated our toolbox by discussing a lot.
Sigurd Skyum, IT & Projects / Project mgmt. at SBN-Adfahrer opened the Day
Mathis Hordvei, Managing Director at Akselera wished welcome
Terje Hjertnes and Kirsti Løviknes boath Ledelserådgiver at Akselera answered questions and shared on "Styrking av kundens prosjektledelse ved ny-implementering og oppgradering til S/4HANA"
Ingrid Marie Gaarder, Developer at Equinor and Frank Stødle, Lead Analyst at Equinor shared on "The Equinor NextGenERP project - Moving to a Clean Core and managing custom solutions"
The Akselera Team | Lots of dicussions ... |
QR code scanning on presentation
"Knowledge exchange on Project Experience"
Per Bengtson, Country Director Pearl Sweden at Pearl sharing on "Hvordan man lykkes med test og modning av kunden gjennom prosjektet."
Robert Moberg, Senior Specialist BPM - process mining at SAP SE shared how to Accelerate S/4 HANA transformation with SAP Signavio
Inger Fosso and
Sigurd Skyum closed the day
Pictures by EM Fahrer.
Link to the Akselera story on LinkedIn
Link to the SBN S/4HANA Project- and Implementation Day Agenda
Date: April 17th, 09:00-16:00.