SAF-T Norway and the challenges with SAP Tax Compliance

Posted by Joakim Löves on 12/10/2023 14:54

TJC Group

This guide from TJC Group clarifies the new SAT-T Norway regulations in context of other developments in the EU and discusses wider issues relating to tax compliance and Business to Government (B2G) reporting obligations.

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. SAF-T in Norway
    • SAF-T in Norway in context
    • What’s next for SAF-T Norway?
      • Roadmap showing modernisation of the VAT system in Norway
      • Impact for business
  3. Best practices for SAF-T reporting
    • 3 key ways to prepare for reporting
    • SAF-T Norway reconciliation
  4. SAP SAF-T Software solution for Norway
    • SAF-T Solutions by TJC Group
  5. Conclusion 

Download the guide on this link

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