SAP Licensing – Challenges and Recommendations

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 18/11/2020 16:58

Over the last few years, we at SBN, have been asked on a number of occasions for advice on SAP licensing with reference to Indirect Access and SAP’s new document based licensing model. Of course, these challenges escalate to a completely different level when an SAP customer is contemplating the move to S/4HANA. Over the last few years, we have arranged numerous webinars and face-to-face sessions on this topic, predominantly with SAP. I think it is fair to say that SAP’s answer to these challenges has been quite consistent in stating that the new document based licensing model is ultimately advantageous for all customers. However, SAP will not force customers to move to the new model, even though SAP have been actively incentivising customers to make the move.

Here is a link  …. to a document that ASUG, the American SAP User Group, has recently published in which an independent consultancy has looked at the issues and provided a reasonably clear overview with recommendations on what a customer needs to consider relating to SAP licensing. Obviously, these consultants are hoping to gain financial reward from the publication of this White Paper through their tools and consultancy services. However, the paper does provide a reasonable overview of the key issues facing SAP customers together with good advice on the actions that customers can take to ensure they end up with a licensing solution that meets their needs for the lowest cost. Take a look at the document and let us know what you think.

Keep a lookout as SBN together with SAP are bringing you two webinars before the end of year. Webinars that will provide an update on the latest information on SAP licensing. See below for dates:

Martin Brownsword


Questions? Comments?
Contact Martin Brownsword e-mail mb (at)




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