SAP User Group Achievements Booklet and new SUGEN picture

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 12/06/2023 13:28

New SUGEN Group Picture taken in the SUGEN. SBN represented by Dag Håkon Myrdal Aker Solutions second from left and Gunn Elisabeth Lending DFØ on the right side.

SAP User Groups provide a forum for discussing new software developments and requirements and for talking to – and advising – SAP about its future product direction. When it comes to providing honest and transparent feedback, SAP User Groups are a cornerstone in SAP’s ecosystem.

The independent user associations represent the collective voice of the customer, providing constructive criticism and cascading information about how customers can get the most value out of their mission-critical investment in SAP. Many new features are the result of suggestions made by User Groups.

Over the last 15 years since 2007, there have been many success stories with the involvement of User Groups. Striving for an increase in customer satisfaction as the aim for both sides, joint initiatives between SAP and the User Groups on important topics have helped to further reach this goal.

By listening to the first-hand feedback from long-term SAP users and acting on it, SAP is able to better fulfill the customers’ requirements. The E-book on the link outlines great practical examples of successful collaborations between SAP and the User Groups as the customers’ advocates.

Below AGENDA on SUgen meeting day 1 and 2


Below picture from SUGEN Dinner at the Heidelberg Castle.


Posted by EM Fahrer

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