This years last SBN CLT meeting

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 08/12/2021 20:44

SBN CLT meeting. Around the table, Didrik Arstad SBN-Adfahrer, Kjell Jensen, Arcus , Thor Øyvind Nilsen, Equinor (Årets SBN Medlem awarded in this meeting and part of discussion), Kolbjørn Havnes, Hydro, Gunn Elisabeth Lending DFØ , Martin Brownsword, SBN-Adfahrer,  Svanhild Didriksen, ConocoPhillips Norge and Bernt Bakken SBN-Adfahrer. Absent: Dag Håkon Myrdal, Aker Solutions, John Christian Hveding, Norgesgruppen and  Nick Banks, Nets.


Gunn Elisabeth Lending DFØ , Martin Brownsword, SBN-Adfahrer,  Svanhild Didriksen, ConocoPhillips Norge and Bernt Bakken SBN-Adfahrer.


SBN DiscussionsIntense discussions. Which are the most important topics?  Where should SBN put the focus in 2022 and onwards?





SBN-Adfahrer is by 31 December 2021 moving out of our Office. The Office Space is closing and all companies with short notice had to find new locations. Our Storage consists mostly of things related to Confeences and Events  and these things have been moved to a "random" Wanda" location. A innovative storage solution where our storage boxes content now is carefully documented. The boxes are now at the Wanda storage and will be delivered back to us on request.

The new Year will bring a fresh and lean start in our new location Olso Atrium, Bjørvika. 


Eva-Maria FahrerPictures and text by EM Fahrer.
Questions? Comments? Would you like to join the SBN CLT or work as Head of a Team? Give me a call, contact info on link

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