Early Bird price for the SBN Conference 2020 valid until August 31.
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 19/08/2020 10:08
Early Bird price 2900,- + moms for the SBN Conference 2020.
Until August 31.
If you like an invoice and do not want to pay with a creditcard, send us an e-mail. We can provide you with "your private company rebate code" which you and your collegues use to register. We send you the registrations for approval before invoice is sent.
The program is under developent and only the best presentations will this year be included due to the limited space of the new format.
Martin Brownsword, Didrik Arstad in content workshop. Joakim Löves in member dialog
Our members are not allowed to travel and meet collegues from other organisations and therefore SBN Conference runs virtual this year. In addition due to the Corona virus and the financial situation in the serveral industries including the Energy sector which represents a large share of the Norwegian economy travel is reduced. See e-mail example below:
But, we have worked hard, been creative and I find now:
For CONFERENCE ATTENDEES: This year the SBN Conference offers even more value.
A 6 program where you can join all your favorite sessions.
Noting in parallell! Virtual makes the Quality on the knowledge and experience sharing becomes as high as always or even higher as usual and the prices become much better.
New Flexibility due to the Virtual concept
- Select and Pick what you are interested in or participate in everything.
- Find what you are looking for - Do Deep dives, Ask a questions - Get replies, join ur Sponsors Expert Sessions!
- Total focus on your learning experience.
- Large width - We cover all usual areas
- Participate in everything you are interested in as the SBN Conference runs over 6 days.
- Easy to fit the conference into your workday as it's virtual and recorded.
- Share the best PowerPoints and recorded presentations with others in your organisation afterwards.
Early Bird price is available until August 31.
- Virtual = No travel cost
- With the SBN Conference Pass you will able to re-play all the presentations as much as you like.
- Very Low price for an SBN Conference!
It's value creating 6 days filled with e-learning for only 2.400,- until June 30.
Reserve your 6 day conference pass now!
Bernt Bakken, EM Fahrer and Didrik Arstad in conference program work.
FOR SPONSORS: The Virtual Concept offers good value also for our Sponsors.
👍 It's nothing in parallell ...
➡ You can quicker and more efficient identify the people and companies who need your offer - saves you time and work
- Time-efficient use of your experts.
- Presentation time is easy to fit into your schedule as it's virtual.
- Presentations will have a long lifetime, they are recorded and published for re-play.
- Virtual Booth’s are open for customer/prospect dialog on your terms.
- Sales people can join all relevant sessions to follow discussions to identify leads
- You can run Expert Sessions in your Virtual Booth
- Your Message and Brand will be exposed during breaks
- Large width - The SBN Conference covers all usual areas
- Easy to fit the SBN Conference into our delegates workday as it's virtual and recorded.
- We make it easy for our delegates to share PowerPoints and Recorded presentations with others in their organisation afterwards.
It's Virtual = No travel cost. In addition it comes to a lower price than if combined with the Hotel Experience. As always, your Message and Brand will be exposed globally on Google.
Reserve your Virtual Booth Branding Space today and publish your message now! Only very limited spots still available
I'm proud to say we have a very good offer. It will be interesting to see if you even may prefer the virtual version. It's cost and time efficient. Networking will be different, we need to collaborate to make it good. No one has to travel which means we save the environmet and help the society ...
Comments or ideas? Call me 922 52 539 or +46 70 569 78 08 or send me an e-mail em(at)adfahrer.com