SBN has a new Core Leadership Team.

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 07/04/2021 16:10

I’m happy to announce the SBN CLT has new prominent members.


We look forward to introduce them to you by a personal interview.

We are happy to welcome the 3 new elected members:

  • Gunn Elisabeth Lending, DFØ 
  • John Christian Hedvig, Norgesgruppen
  • Nick Banks, Nets

Our president Kolbjørn Havnes, is from Hydro and stays in his role as well as 

  • Kjell Jensen, Arcus (second period)
  • Svanhild Didriksen, ConocoPhillips Norge
  • Dag Håkon Myrdal, Aker Solutions


Auditors for 2021 are: 

  • Thor Øyvind Nilsen, Equinor
  • Bente Boger, Forsvaret


Leaving the CLT role is:
Eigil Bjelde Jensen, Norske Skog who has been in the CLT for two periods,

And our auditors  

  • Roar Hvidsten, Coop, who first time joined a CLT position in 2018 and 
  • Wenche Bergman, Statkraft who first time joined a CLT position in 2017

The annual meeting was  held the 19. March. The SBN Core Leadership Team active until 18th March, revised the association's statutes (By-Laws) which where approved in the annual meeting.  Link to the new By-Laws A revised version of the outsourcing agreement between SBN and Adfahrer has also been signed.

The revision and revitalisation project was led and run, by our SBN president Kolbjørn Havnes.



The annual meeting was followed by constituent meeting, which was held behind “closed doors” 8. April. Picture from meeting.


Read more about the history of SBN on this link






Eva-Maria FahrerInformation published by Eva-Maria Fahrer, in the backoffice of SBN and representative of the backoffice in the CLT since 1998. Contact information is found here





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