SBN Webinar assortment planning - Retail - 25 August 11:00
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 07/06/2023 12:25
The retailer Axfood will share how they work with and have developed their assortment planning. Join in the 1 of September to listen to a presentation of lessons learned at the assortment planning Co-Innovation project with SAP and a short description of the end functionality.
At the SBN Conference there will be a round table-room where functionality and process can be discussed Face 2 Face. The webinar is planned to collect topics for discussion. Topics like assortment planning or the Value Creation process in general. Register your interest and share your areas of interest. This virtual meeting is the startpoint for a knowledge exchange on Retail functionality in general and lessons learned from the co-design processes with SAP.
Continue the knowledge exchange Face2Face as a round table discussion at the SBN Conference 17-18 Oktober. For each Round-Table-discussion-room we need 2 up to 4 customers sharing their experience and process. SAP customers sharing will be invited for free to the conference. Tell us if you like to join in up front for free ...
Register for the event on this link