Knowledge sharing on the Power of Clean Data!

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 12/06/2023 14:27

🌟 Insightful Event at SBN: Sharing the Power of Clean Data! ðŸŒŸ This article was posted on LinkedIn by Marco van Horck, Data Management professional helping customers to become data driven organisations

I had the privilege of attending the SBN #DataQuality Day event at Orkla, organized by the esteemed Norwegian SAP User Association (SBN). As the Head of the #IntelligentEnterpriseInstitute - Data Lab at SAP, it was an incredible experience to connect with industry leaders and share insights on the importance of clean data.

The SBN fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation within the SAP community. These spaces are essential for professionals to address challenges and uncover opportunities in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

The event focused on two critical aspects: "Get clean – Migrate data with precision & quality" and "Stay clean – Governing data from 'birth to the grave'." We explored how organizations can ensure data quality throughout their digital transformation journeys whilst sharing insights on the Intelligent Sustainable Enterprise framework and how the Institute can help you get there. We discussed how clean and accurate data is the foundation for optimizing operations, making informed decisions, and driving growth. It was inspiring to see the passion and dedication of attendees towards data quality and its transformative potential.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the #SBN team and Magnus Arnesen from Orkla for organizing such an impactful event. Their commitment to knowledge sharing and community growth is commendable. I encourage everyone in the Norwegian SAP community to actively engage with SBN, participate in their events, and embrace the power of clean data.

Let's continue to shape the future of intelligent enterprises together, harnessing the strength of clean and quality data. For more information about the power of Data and the Intelligent Enterprise Institute, follow our SAP Envision Beyond Journal.
Link to the LinkedIn Story published with copy and paste above

Link to the event with recordings and PDF files

Published by EM Fahrer



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