Thank you for your replies to the survey
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 17/01/2022 16:44
We got 163 replies from many locations. Based on your replies to the survey we have a much better basis for our planning decisions.
"Do you live close to a certain city?" we asked in the survey. A less than half of the replies came from "close to Oslo" wich was good as the "Will you attend?" question later in the survey is travel-related.
We asked from which locations you did your input. Most replied Oslo but the variety is large as you see below.
We asked if you are fully engaged and listen closely... see below. I'm happy and impressed so many regard themselves as rather active listener. It's not that easy now as all events and presenations are vitural and you sit at your own desk with your work very close to you fingers and eyes and your collegues seeking attention nearby.
Will you come, if the event is for 2 days with a social part like a dinner in the evening? This was the for us most critical question. See below ... some dont know but if I include 50% of the "I dont know" as a "maybe" it s actually 67% who probably will attend the SBN Conference event. This means our members are prepared to travel to do nettworking with collegues. We have now reserved conference facilities. They are smaller than the facilities we used historical and they can be cancelled with 3 months notice.
So ... Thank you for your replies ... We will now start our planning for our SBN full day programs in the spring and the conference 19-20 October 2022. Contact info here