We welcome 2 new members of the SBN CLT

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 26/03/2020 12:20

We are proud to welcome

Svanhild Didriksen, ConocoPhillips 

Dag Håkon Myrdal, Aker Solutions.


Svanhild DidriksenSvanhild Didriksen, ConocoPhillips Norge
She is Supervisor EFS Invoice Handling and lives in Hafrsfjord, Rogaland, Norway. Svanhild has long experience and has several times shared her expereince together with collegues from ConcoPhillips with SBN members. We are very proud she accepted a role in the SBN CLT.

Linkedin Link 


Dag Håkon MyrdalDag Håkon Myrdal, Aker Solutions.
He is Senior QCI & Risk Advisor at Aker Solutions and made recently a presentation for SBN members at the Energy day. Here he presented the solution  and process Aker Solution has implemented for "Rental tools". It's now a webshop which creates transparency. See presentation on this link

Linkedin Link


The SBN Core Leadership Team (CLT) from March 20 consists of:

  1. Kolbjørn Havnes, Hydro (2018 - 2019) ( 2020-2021 ) (President)
  2. Bente Boger, Forsvaret (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (Vice President)
  3. Thor Øyvind Nilsen, Equinor (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (Cashier)
  4. Eigil Bjelde Jensen, Norske Skog (2017-2018) (2019-2020)
  5. Kjell Jensen, Arcus (2018-2019) ( 2020-2021 )
  6. Svanhild Didriksen, ConocoPhillips Norge ( 2020-2021 )
  7. Dag Håkon Myrdal, Aker Solutions AS ( 2020-2021 )(stand-in)
  8. Eva-Maria Fahrer, SBN-Adfahrer (Assosiert)

More information about the annual meeting is found on this link.


Questions of comments? Please contact 

  • Bente Boger, Forsvaret vp@sbn.no +47 474 63 141
  • Eva-Maria Fahrer, SBN-Adfahrer em@sbn.no +47 922 52 539
  • Kolbjørn Havnes, Hydro Kolbjorn.Havnes@hydro.com  +47 908 25 435

Kolbjørn Havnes,  Bente Boger, Forsvaret  Eva-Maria Fahrer

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