Innovation Workshop - A Day of Inspiration and Networking

Start: 12/09 09:00

Innovation Workshop - A Day of Inspiration and Networking

A unique opportunity to participate in an Nordic Innovation Workshop hosted by SAP at its Experience Center in Copenhagen. At this full-day event you will get insight into where SAP is going with technology innovation, a tour around the Experience Center and the option to join one of the innovation tracks.

Mark your calendar on Thursday, September 12 and get inspired by compelling demos, customer use cases and a networking zone that will bring people together. More information on timing and agenda will follow.

Pictures from CPH Experience Center:

Tags: cx, retail, finance, analytics, hr, remuneration, it, hana, projects, sap, sap knowledge, supply chain

Number of participants: 6

  • Bernt Bakken  
    SBN - Adfahrer AB
  • Cathrine Kjær Christensen  
    SBN - Adfahrer Denmark
  • Eva-Maria Fahrer  
    SBN-Adfahrer AB
  • Didrik Arstad  
    SBN - Adfahrer AB
  • Elin Jackson  
    Statkraft AS
  • Randi Kleven  
    Statkraft AS