SBN Energy Day
March 22nd, 09:00-15:35
A heads up! The center is a 'No Shoes Area' - bring your best socks.
If you arrive at Laberget 28 between 08:30 and 09:15 a representative from Bouvet will take you to the Futurum center. If you arrive after that, please call Eva-Maria Fahrer +46 70 569 78 78 and she will pick you up. If you know you will arrive late, please tell Eva-Maria when you expect to arrive.
Yearly F2F meeting for SBN Energy (Oil & Gas) Inno Team to discuss Energy specific processes and other challenges related to Energy Business
The agenda this year will focus on:
- Status updates from S/4HANA projects from member companies in the Energy industry. Equinor, AkerBP and ConocoPhillips updates confirmed.
- Journey of Aker Solutions/Kvaerner merge and upgrade to S/4Hana 2020
- Initiatives related to Sustainability
The meeting will be held as a physical meeting at the Bouvet Innovation Centre, Futurum at Jåttåvågen, Stavanger. Physical attendees are limited to 50 (be quick to reserve a seat), but it will also be possible to attend the meeting virtually.
Participants from other industries are very welcome to join the meeting if they find the agenda interesting.
NB! Some presentations will be in Norwegian and some in English.
- Link to pictures from 2019
- Link to pictures from 2020
- Link to agenda from 2020
- Link to agenda from 2021
Link to pictures from the day
Evaluation 6,0 (1-7) from 22 replies.
Recordings and PDF files see agenda below.
Bouvet - Futurum. Laberget 28, 4020 Stavanger, Norge
Contact Bernt if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.
Bernt Bakken
Head of Energy & Logistics in SBN
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 480 34 248
Tags: accenture, bouvet, cognizant, deloitte, sap knowledge, supply chain
Number of participants: 80
Øyvind FossAibel AS
Guillaume Fagernes-TurpinEquinor
Arne GjerstadEquinor
Christian BrandtzægEquinor
Sævar Thor KristinssonBouvet
Gianluca De MeiAccenture
Sveinung GehrkenS5 Consulting
Sigmund FrøilandGassco
Marianne Eggers HøieGassco
Thoralf AndreassenVår Energi
Trond JansenAibel AS
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Svanhild DidriksenConocoPhillips Norge
Vinitha CoelhoConocoPhillips Norge
Anette KyllingstadSupply Chain ConocoPhillips
Ståle IdlandBouvet
Dean FittEquinor
Svein KoldenBasis Consulting
Grete TotlandGrete Randi Totland
Svein Helge HøydalStatkraft AS
Siri LivastølVår Energi
Gunnar PresthusAccenture
Kenneth WesterbyRED HAT
Sachin PawarSopra Steria
Mathias WestlieCognizant
Bernt BakkenSBN-Adfahrer
Stian WindslandS5 Consulting
Jagdish Pawars5 consulting
Catherine AdamsSopra Steria
Christer UthusAccenture
Nina AarflotEquinor
Bernt EvensenConocoPhillips Norge
Owe NielsenBouvet
Steinar HansenConocoPhillips Norge
Inger Lise HelleAkerBP
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Tina JohnsenDirektoratet for økonomistyring
Njål OmlandAker Solutions AS
Svend VihovdeEquinor
Oddgeir RoalkvamBouvet
Carsten Brøns AndersenDeloitte
Øystein FuglestadBouvet
Mauricio Bermudez NeubauerAccenture
Jan Henrik KristensenBouvet
Jo ØglændBouvet
Kjell S.T. AraltEquinor
Joakim LövesSBN-Adfahrer
Reidar W BaardsenS5 Consulting
Tor-Arne JensenConocophillips
Cathrine Weiseth/Young-HalvorsenEquinor
Azim FiazWintershall DEA Norge AS
Bjørn Erik NoraasDirektoratet for økonomistyring
Martin Johan NærlandDirektoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring
Kristian StokkeAkerBP
Lasse Dønnestad HansenMHWirth AS / HMH
Thomas WilhelmsenBouvet
Lars Marstein LundBouvet
Giles StanleyCognizant
Dag Rune LorentzenCognizant
Andreas BaugeAkerBP / Lighthouse
Yvonne VebergAkerBP
Bernt OlsenAkerBP
Mette Kielland SælandAkerBP
Eva JohannesdottirBouvet
Frode SlevelandSopra Steria
Terje ØstvollAccenture
Einar MidtunWintershall DEA Norge AS
Peter KoopSAP SE
Paal EngebretsenSAP Norge
Monika Latac-OkaguConocoPhillips Norge
Chris ScearsCapgemini
Helge EikCapgemini
Andrew PincottAccenture
Magne LimaCapgemini
Tom Michael StensrødBouvet
Hans Rusten WangS5 Consulting