SBN webinar: Product Lifecycle Costing

Start: 2/10 10:30

Product Lifecycle Costing

Friday Oct 2nd 10:30-11:30

One hour update on functionality, new functionality and planned functionality in Product Lifecycle Costing. PLM is presented by the Chief Solution Owner for SAP Product Lifecycle Costing and the Product Manager for SAP Product Lifecycle Costing at SAP. Join this webinar to get the latest information in area Product Lifecycle Costing presented by the most informed and central experts in SAP.

Presented by:

Katarzyna Maciak

Katarzyna Maciak (LinkedIn) is a Product Manager for SAP Product Lifecycle Costing, focusing on go-to-market activities. Katarzyna has over 17 years of experience in the software industry in different roles, thereof 13 years at SAP.  For the last 4 years, she has been managing products from the portfolio of Innovative Business Solutions Organization, working with the development teams and customers in the Digital Supply Chain area.


Wei Yuan

Wei Yuan (LinkedIn) is SAP - Business Processes Consultant






Evaluation was Awesome 7 of 7
Recording: [slides]


Contact Bernt if you have questions or comments.

Bernt BakkenBernt Bakken
Head of Logistics @SBN
+47 480 34 248

Tags: sap, sap knowledge, supply chain

Number of participants: 13

  • Stian Enger  
    itelligence a/s
  • Eva-Maria Fahrer  
  • Lars-Erik Gravdal  
    Aker Solutions AS
  • Prasad Kamarajugadda  
  • Sigrid Røed Landgraff  
    Matiq AS
  • Jacob Olivius  
  • Robin Slater  
    Aker Solutions AS
  • Leif Nordgren  
  • Tore Ek  
    Matiq AS
  • Katarzyna Maciak  
    SAP SE
  • Nguyen Dao Tran  
  • Wei Yuan  
    SAP Deutschland SE & Co.KG
  • Bernt Bakken  