Fantastisk å møte så mange

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 11/03/2025 11:58

This and last week I and my collegues in SBN will meet at least 300 people.


I and my colleagues have meet at least 20 people in prepare meetings (see pictures) for IT Architect Day, SBN SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) Day, SBN Energy Day, SBN and European SAP User Groups  Meet SAP Experts etc virtual meetings.

A few examples in the pictures above. It's  amazing that it is even possible to meet so many people without travelling.

I'm very greatful our members are interested and do register for the topics we in SBN together with our members have identfied as so important, that we need an event, to learn more about the topic or exchange knowledge.

284 people in this week and in the Friday webinars last week.
Number status 2025-03-11 11:00, see the list below. It will be more.

Friday 44
Introduction to the Green Ledger in SAP and how to treat Carbon like Money

Friday 16
PLM in the public cloud for the process industry

Monday 48
SAP Cloud ALM Roadshow 2025

Picture from Wednesday 12 March with 81 participants.
The SBN SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) Day had an intense interactivity.


3 Pictures from Thursday 13 March with 32 participants.
SBN Brukerforum for SAP SuccessFactors @Aker Solutions with hybrid group work.

Friday 11+ 
SBN Annual meeting for 2024

Friday 26+
Produksjonsprosessene - forbedringsmuligheter?

Friday 25+
Licensing Session

Friday 17+
Understand SAP Active Use and Plan SAP Potential License Costs

Next week 14 people from SBN will join the European SAP User Groups event to Meet SAP Experts and exchange knwledge.


EM FahrerDo you have ideas for topics or other comments, just call me 92252539 or any of my colleagues



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Tags: cx, retail, finance, analytics, hr, remuneration, it, hana, projects, supply chain