Å Skape det rette tankesettet for din HR-transformasjon

Posted by Joakim Löves on 09/03/2023 17:19

NTT DATA Business Solutions

During the next couple of months, NTT DATA Business Solutions will be hosting a series of virtual "Coffee Breaks", covering major topics for clients who are starting or are evolving their HR transformation.

The sessions will cover topics such as:

  • The biggest challenges HR leaders face in digital transformation initiatives
  • Guiding principles of HR transformation
  • Strategies and Insights HR leaders can use to determine the right technology and approach for the transformation

Mark Carroll, HR Management Consultant, will run each of the four sessions and bring in scenarios from various public and private sectors and organizations.

Click here for registration and more information about the Coffee Sessions


NTT DATA Business Solutions

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Tags: hr, remuneration, ntt data business solutions