Ny e-bok om digital tilgang

Posted by Cathrine Kjær on 04/02/2020 14:57

How customers consume and use SAP software has undergone dramatic changes, and so has the technology landscape.

SAP has modernized it's pricing model to be more transparent and predictable.

Get the most relevant information on Digital Access in this new e-book.




Eva-Maria FahrerThis e-book was sent to me by Florian Gudat in the customer support organisation. I find it to be a very informative e-book. The new license model is in one way very easy to understand. Your current contract value can be exchanged into new software products according to rules. As always the devil is in the details. It's easy until you get to the "but not valid for this specific detailed scenario".  Try to be pragmatic and see the big picture and save de details and exceptions to the end and you will realise the model is good and easy to understand. 

Do you have comments or experiences?
Please get in touch with me.
Contact information em(at)sbn.no  +47 922 52 539. 
Hilsen Eva-Maria Fahrer, CEO SBN-Adfahrer

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