Paneldiskusjon med representanter for offentlig sektor

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 24/08/2020 15:01

Date: September 4, 2020 - 10:30 pm (CET)

Moderator: Hein Keijzer, Industry Value Engineer, SAP NL  


  • Gunn Elisabeth Løland Lending, Department Director, Directorate for Management and Financial Management, Norway
  • Stefan Gasslitter, CEO SIAG AG
  • Heinrich Pfriemer, Global Head of Defense and Security, SAP SE

Getting countries back on track and to achieve economic recovery is on the top of the mind of every government institution, all companies and its people. Gain a glimpse of what happened behind the scenes in government agencies, what were they suddenly faced with, what changed for them and how did they react.


Listen to what you, as a citizen, can expect.

Join this discussion, talk with our panelists and learn what is happening in various countries.

Below example of SAP product in COVID-19 times, see link and this link 


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Tags: finance, analytics, sap knowledge, sbn, supply chain