Planlegg for 2020

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 06/01/2020 12:02

You just got a fresh new year. Even one day extra and this gives you 8784 hours to spend during 366 days ... see below for a simple reflection tool.

The tool consists of a few questions to reply to, which will help you get the most our of the oceans of time laying ahead of you.


Do you have a hig level target for the year?
If not, should you have one? If so, what will it bee?

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Are there actions, people or things on which you should spend more time?
If yes, which?

....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  .................... 


Are there actions, people or things on which you like to spend less time? 
If yes, which?

....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................


Write 5 tings which make you happy and you should keep in your focus a bit more this year:

1) ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................

2) ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  

3) ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  .................... 

4) ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  

5) ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  


To challenge yourself, write one thing you havent done and will try this year: 

....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  ....................  .................... 



Eva-Maria FahrerAs you probably noticed, just starting the thinking/reflextion process will create a change.  Go for small and easy things, like to: give your spouse/husband/friend more attention, read a book, read a book in english, a daily 30 minutes walk or bake a special cake your grandma baked ...

All the best from us!
Do you have ideas for me, SBN or wishes or comments?  
Please get in touch. Contact information em(at)  +47 922 52 539 or talk to Bernt, Cathrine, Didrik, Joakim or Martin. All contact information is found here 
Eva-Maria Fahrer, CEO SBN-Adfahrer






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