'S/4HANA Position Paper' - et “MUST” lesning for interesserte

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 20/11/2019 07:39

SBN has the pleasure of publishing a document from USF, the French SAP User Group which calls itself an S/4 HANA – “The paths to get there” position paper and consists of over 60 pages and 10 different sections or chapters. If you intend to read it from start to finish in one sitting please make sure you allow adequate time as it does contain an extraordinary amount of useful information.

The document should be of interest to anyone who is contemplating, planning or has started the journey to S/4 HANA and covers all the usual topics should as background, business case, challenges, supporting tools, deployment approaches, licenses, best practices and advice from actual projects and even a piece on decommissioning your existing system. I’m sure the majority who read it will refer to it time and again during the S/4 journey.

A core team of SAP customers, partners and SAP staff, worked on the position paper for over a year and the extended working team involved more than 140 people from 120 enterprises and organisations. Finally a couple of things to bear in mind when you are reading it are that the paper focuses primarily on S/4 HANA on premise and it has been translated from French so one or two of the technical words or phrases used do not fully correspond to those you may be familiar with in English.

Here is a link to the document and happy reading!


Martin Brownsword Short introduction to USF S/4 HANA paper by Martin Brownsword.
Questions? Comments? Martins contact information is mb(at)sbn.no +47 917 11 593



Written by Martin Brownsword

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