Partner news
Innebygd i SAP - stemmeaktivert Kunstig Intelligens (AI)
Posted by Joakim Löves on 23/04/2020 15:10
S5 Consulting can together with Skybuffer, offer SAP-embedded voice-enabled AI that speaks any language in any communication channel on 400+ SAP scenarios.
“When it comes to communicating with a system, Cognitive Experience is believed to be a competitive necessity and basic expectation for Connected Enterprise. Intelligent in hundreds of business scenarios, knowledgeable in dozens of lines of business, voice-enabled, speaking any language, pluggable into any channel and offered ready-to-be-used – Intelligent Decision Dimensions developed by Skybuffer is more than an AI solution, it is a transformation-based service that handles the organization’s challenges and extend employees’ and business partners’ capabilities. Our partnership with Skybuffer gives our customers these advantages in an AI based future” – says Sveinung Gehrken, CEO S5 Consulting.
For more information, please contact
Sveinung Gehrken, CEO and founder S5 Consulting
Mobile: +47 473 18 037