De fem nordiske handelsministrene har satt i gang initiativ for en grønnere fremtid.
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 15/09/2020 08:43
Published by Nordic Innovation: 01.09.2020
The five Nordic ministers of trade and industry have launched eight initiatives for 2021-2024 to help the economy recover in a greener direction in the wake of COVID-19.
The eight initiatives will make it easier for Nordic businesses to operate across borders and support the vision for the Nordic region to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.
Vision: The Nordic region to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.
The initiatives, which will run from 2021 to 2024 with a budget of DKK 250 million, were decided by the Nordic ministers of trade and industry 1 September and support sustainable solutions, circular economy, digitalization and innovation.
“The eight initiatives we have agreed on exemplify how climate measures, the green digital shift, and economic recovery after the coronavirus crisis go hand in hand.
These initiatives in areas such as circular and sustainable business models, green transport, and digitalization strengthen the Nordic region’s position at the forefront of green innovation and entrepreneurship, and thus contribute to future sustainable growth and new jobs,” says Simon Kollerup, Denmark’s Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, who is chairing the Nordic ministers for trade and industry in 2020.
Read the Nordic Council of Ministers' official press release
The eight initiatives will primarily by driven forward by Nordic Innovation, which is a part of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
During the autumn, Nordic Innovation will work with representatives from key stakeholders in both the public and the private sector from all the Nordic countries to translate the initiatives to action and activities for the period 2021-2024.
Published by EM Fahrer, to put spotligt the ongoing actvities in the society. The Green Shift is also in focus at the upcomming SBN Conference, see below. Keynotes will all touch in on solutions and ways to think for a Sustainable future.
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Eva-Maria Fahrer, CEO, SBN-Adfahrer