Financial Close Excellence

Start: 30/09 15:30

Financial Close Excellence I BlackLine & SAP Account Reconciliation and Automation

This webinar series will explore the aspects of the financial close that are most ripe for transformation. We’ll highlight best practices and introduce the SAP solutions by BlackLine that enable excellence, including:

  • Balance Sheet Substantiation
  • Journal Entry Processing
  • High-Volume Transaction Matching
  • Intercompany Accounting

Financial close excellence starts with confidence in the numbers. For Accounting, that means assurance that financial data is complete and accurate. Leading ERP systems like SAP S/4HANA Group Reporting are helping organisations simplify finance structures and streamline reporting, but complementary solutions are needed to modernise the substantiation process.

The first webinar in our series is focused on substantiation, and will cover:

  • Why the financial close should be a focus in transformation efforts
  • What substantiation involves and why it’s critical
  • How SAP Account Reconciliation and Automation by BlackLine extends core SAP functionality to reduce risk and manual effort for Finance

Register now to attend this webinar

SAP does a lot. BlackLine completes the process, and is the only solution extension that exists within the financial close.

Molly Boyle 
SAP Finance Transformation Expert, BlackLine

Thomas Popp-Madsen 
Centre of Excellence for ERP financials - EMEA North, SAP

Tags: blackline, finance, analytics, sap, sap knowledge