Innovative Solutions for Retail
A day about innovative solutions in an extremely competitive sector. Key highlights are: Innovation at NorgesGruppen relating to their TRUMF Card. Innovation in respect of a Transportation system for complex delivery and services at Power. SAP Norway’s retail expert shares
information on SAP’s latest roadmap. Signify (formerly Philips Lighting) share unique ways to create a competitive edge.
AI, Machine Learning and Chatbots can help you build a new experience for your customers, join presentation and workshop from SAP. The event is a great opportunity to network but can also be joined remote. See Agenda below.
We look forward to see you!
The number of free participants your company has at this event is related to size of company membership unless any other agreement is in place. Our Partners can have two free participants per event. If any questions, please contact Please also be aware that you can only register yourself! If your colleagues want to join, please ask them to register themselves.
This event have been moved to the SBN Conference in October due to the retail community is to busy at this time
Tags: cx, retail, sap knowledge
Welcome, with Martin Brownsword and Eva-Maria Fahrer, SBN Adfahrer
SAP Norway’s own retail expert, Tor Håbrekke, will share what’s new and interesting in the retail area together with SAP’s latest roadmap. He will explain the SAP Retail Reference Architecture for digital transformation and his presentation will include practical examples, customer cases plus an early look at what SAP are working on in this area over the next year or so.
Tor Haabrekke, SAP
Short paus
"Fremtidens handleopplevelse. Hvordan NorgesGruppen tilpasser seg dette ved å jobbe med kundenær og tverrfaglig tjenesteutvikling."
NorgesGruppen har i flere år bygget opp en digital tjenesteplattform i kombinasjon med sitt fordelsprogram Trumf. Dette gir muligheter for å bygge skreddersydd dialog og personaliserte tjenester for kundene i egne digitale kanaler. Hvorfor er bruk av kundedata så avgjørende for alle virksomheter fremover.
Kristin Bigseth, NorgesGruppens Markedssjef Digitale Kanaler, skal dele NorgesGruppens tanker om dette og presenterer:
- Vår utgangspunkt
- Hvordan jobber vi?
- Hva gjør vi?
Sharing experience from Transportation system for complex delivery and services.
Power, an SAP customer, have realised their customers need delivery services which meet their progressively more complex requirements and higher expectations on delivery times and precision. Together with S5, a certified SAP partner, Power have developed an optimsed transportation system that specifically focuses on the “last mile” of delivery & services from a hub to the final destination. The system is fully integrated and used to efficiently plan and execute deliveries & services (installation, unpack, return). Presentation by S5 and Power
Interactive session for Knowledge Sharing.
Around the table discussion sharing current status and plans forward.
Organised by: Eva-Maria Fahrer, SBN-Adfahrer
What if you could support new operational efficiencies, enhanced in-store experience and generate data for in-depth retail analytics?
Signify Interact Retail connected lighting and software lets you do all this and more:
- Create stunning and flexible retail spaces
- Trigger specific shopper behaviors through zoning and layers of light
- Deliver location-based offers to shoppers on their smartphone via your store app
Now that’s Smart Retail from Signify! Link til Signify web
Gerben van der Lugt, Global Head of Indoor Location Service, Signify
Boost Customer Experience to the next level with Intelligent Technologies and Chatbots
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Chatbots are currently ‘hot topics’ in Sales and Marketing.
In this session you get insights how these technologies will help you to build a new experience for your customers.
Boris Andree, Solution Management Machine Learning, SAP SE Technology & Innovation
Hands-on part - Boost Customer Experience to the next level with Intelligent Technologies and Chatbots
During this hands-on part you will learn hos to build your first chatbot based on SAP Conversational AI.
Bring-your-own-laptop with Google Chrome browser pre-installed.
Boris Andree, Solution Management Machine Learning, SAP SE Technology & Innovation
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