SBN S/4HANA @Capgemini
This is a day where we share customer cases of moving to S/4 HANA, experience with available tools from SAP and partners to migrate to S/4HANA, S/4HANA deployment methods and next steps.
Contact Martin if you have questions or comments.
Martin Brownsword
Head of Innovation Team IT, HANA, Projects
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 917 11 593
The event was evaluated Very Good = 5,8 on a scale 1-7.
NB! Due to the Covid-19 situation, this meeting will take place via Remote Access. Logon info will be sent after registration.
Event host:
Tags: capgemini, cognizant, ibm, it, hana, projects, pearl, sap knowledge
Martin Brownsword
Key Account at SBN-Adfahrer
Einar Christophersen
Avdelingsleder SAP Oslo at Capgemini
Hvorfor er S4 en bra business case?
Bygg business case basert på business og erfaring istedenfor teknologi. ERP blir mer og mer integrert i nye forretningsutvikling og strategiske valg. Capgemini vil fortelle hvordan dette gjøres.
NB. Mike Curl’s part of this presentation will be given in English.
Mike Curl
SAP Advisory at Capgemini
Bård Helle
Solution Architect at Norengros AS
S/4 HANA implementation at Jumbo’s grocery stores in Belgium.
Implementing S/4 HANA raised an interesting dilemma: greenfield, brownfield or extending the existing legacy SAP ECC environment with a new country? In the end, Jumbo decided on a standard approach based on the Model Company for Core Retail. Right now, Jumbo’s three Belgian stores are running successfully on S/4HANA.
In this presentation, Jumbo will share their experiences with Model Company, how they fit S/4 into the current landscape where a number of common applications communicate with two ERP systems, and what the roadmap looks like to move Jumbo’s Dutch stores to S/4HANA?
Key information for any company moving to S/4 HANA especially those in the Retail sector on a move that will provide Jumbo with plenty of challenges for the coming years.
NB. This session will be held in English
Olaf Jungen
Project Manager at Jumbo Netherlands
IBM present Vodafone’s “Rapid Move” S/4 Implementation
The German division of Vodafone, one of the world’s largest telecoms companies, used IBM’s Rapid Move for SAP S/4HANA to complete the move from an earlier and highly customized version of SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA without the need for multiple migrations and deployments. Vodafone believe this approach was 50 percent faster than traditional approaches. The case will be presented by IBM's Lead SAP S/4 HANA Architect on the project.
NB. This session will be held in English
Nenad Belosevic
SAP S/4HANA Architect at IBM Services
Interaktiv sesjon
S/4 HANA Deployment Options & Versions – explained in layman’s terms
Do you ever wonder how a single, SAP product could end up with so many different product versions following the introduction of the Cloud? Are you confused by all the different versions of S/4 HANA, which one is right for you and how to move there? Whether the Cloud will introduce new and additional challenges or is it merely a new hosting or licence model? If you start on-premise, how do you move to the Cloud later on? These and many other questions will be addressed and explained in this session.
Kværner sin S/4HANA 1809 konvertering og veien videre
Kværner gjennomførte høsten 2019 brownfield-konvertering fra 1503 til 1809, i samarbeid med Cognizant. Karl Olav Gravdal fra Kværner vil fortelle om bakgrunnen, gjennomføringen og erfaringer fra prosjektet, i tillegg til veien videre for Kværner.
S/4 HANA: Oppgradering hos Norges mest moderne retail bedrifter
Et ærlig og oppmuntrende innblikk i hva som skjer når SAP systemet ditt oppgraderes til S/4 HANA. Vi deler erfaringer om både potensielle fallgruver, og hvordan forretningen best kan høste gevinstene av investeringen. Presentasjonen bygges på Pearls erfaringer fra S/4 HANA prosjekter med en rekke norske kunder.
Oppsummering og takk for i dag
Martin Brownsword
Key Account at SBN-Adfahrer
Einar Christophersen
Avdelingsleder SAP Oslo at Capgemini
Number of participants: 76
Hans Petter HaugForsvaret
Marte Skarstein BjangerKomplett Services AS
Artur Latifovitelligence
Trond BådstangenCapgemini Norge AS
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Tor HåbrekkeSAP Norge AS
Daniel MasonElkjøp Nordic
Marit GrovenElkjøp Nordic
Hilde Eitrem HansenPearl Norge AS
Vineeth VargheseBouvet Norge AS
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Trond LindløkkenElkjøp Nordic
Heidi VienVectura AS
Ling Ling ChenNorgesGruppen Data AS
Pål JohnsenHennig-Olsen Is AS
Thor Øyvind Nilsen (SBN Kasserer)Equinor
Ellen FjellForsvaret
Sveinar UrstadEquinor
Svein KoldenBasis Consulting
Dag Fischer NielsenCoop Norge SA
Stian Fraas Vogsborgitelligence
Njål OmlandAker Solutions AS
Josefine BlixIBM AS
Giles StanleyCognizant
Knut Erik BallestadKomplett
Inge André TonningForsvaret
Stian BryneKverneland AS
Ilya AmosovIndependent Consultant
Ragnar ØvreBrynild Gruppen AS
Per Atle SteinslandEINR AS
Birgit RamsøyBouvet Norge AS
Sylvi FageråsSAP Norge AS
Tor-Ivar BranæsCapgemini Norge AS
Per Helgesplassitelligence
Geir SundeBouvet Norge AS
Arne GjerstadEquinor
Roland zum BuschBouvet Norge AS
Svend VihovdeEquinor
Unni Tove Tollefsen DavidsenForsvaret
Marte Asphaug SolbjørgTechnipFMC
Viktoria KrompaszkyBoots
Merete BjerkevollKverneland Group AS
Martin BrownswordSBN-Adfahrer
Bjarne BreinbjergAlumeco A/S
Kristian BjerkeNorgesGruppen ASA
Erik ElgaaenNorgesGruppen ASA
Gunnar Freyr GunnarssonNorgesGruppen Data AS
Baljinder Singh GosalCapgemini Norge AS
Torunn Kvia NærlandKverneland AS
Eivind SolvangIBM AS
Bernt BakkenSBN-Adfahrer
Joakim LövesSBN-Adfahrer
Muna TaarlandEltek
Nenad BelosevicIBM DE
Bård HelleCapgemini
Amanda RobertsPearl
Einar ChristophersenCapgemini
Olaf JungenJumbo
Bjørn Olav KåsinSAP Norge
Ton DuyserJumbo
Karl Olav GravdalKværner
Mike CurlCapgemini
Anne HolmeSopra Steria AS
Terje LundHelse Midt-Norge
Sveinung GehrkenS5 Consulting AS
Mark Allen CarterCapgemini Norge AS
Kristoffer StrandSopra Steria AS
Paul HemelsoetStatkraft AS
Anette SolumCoop Norge SA
Wenche BergmanStatkraft AS
Therese Brandt-RasmussenPearl Norge AS
Karin LovslandMHWirth AS
Hilde ReveAkerBP
Magnus OllforsStatkraft AS
Jan Peter KochStatkraft AS
Bård BerntsenKverneland AS