SBN Annual meeting for 2022

Start: 24/03 09:00 | End: 22/03 10:00

SBN Annual meeting for 2022
March 24th 09:00-10:00.

The SBN annual meeting is the place where you get informed about achievements in the last year and you meet the SBN CLT members. Here you can lift things of importance to you if you send them in 2 weeks before the meeting. The meeting is a webinar where our members dial in. Pre-registration is mandatory as we do voting with an interactive tool and only one person per member with voting right can vote. Before you join the meeting it’s good to login as you get more functionality if you are logged in.

Agenda Norsk:

  1. Klargjøring av stemmeberettigede 👏
  2. Godkjenning av innkalling. (link e-post sent 23 Februar 2023) 👏
  3. Valg av møteleder 👏 
  4. Valg av en person til å skrive referat og to personer til å signer referatet 👏
  5. Fremleggelse og godkjenning av virksomhetens årsberetning (Link) 👏
  6. Fremleggelse av foreningens regnskap (link)
  7. Fremleggelse av revisors beretning (link)
  8. Godkjennelse av foreningens regnskap 👏
  9. Fremleggelse av budsjett for inneværende år og økonomisk status hittil i år (link)
  10. Fastsettelse av neste års medlemskontingent til foreningen (foreslått uendret)👏
  11. Behandling av innkomne forslag 
    1. link, fra medlem innkomne forslag, styret i hende 14 dager før årsmøtet
  12. Valg av styreleder og styremedlemmer (link👏
  13. Valg av revisorer 👏
  14. Valg av valgkomité 👏


Agenda (English):

  1. Preparation of list of people entitled to vote
  2. Approval of timely e-mail notice.
  3. Election of chair of the meeting
  4. Election of one person to write the minutes and two people to sign the minutes
  5. Presentation and approval of the non financial annual report
  6. Presentation of the union accounts
  7. Presentation of the auditor's report
  8. Approval of the association's accounts
  9. Presentation of budget next year
  10. Determination of next year's membership fee to the association (unchanged)
  11. Processing of received proposals
    1. Proposals received from a members
  12. Election of chairman and board members
  13. Election of auditors
  14. Election of nomination committee

Members can present matters which have to be received by the board, 14 days before the annual meeting.

Members of SBN:

  • A-members: Organizations that are SAP customers
  • B-members: Suppliers to SAP customers

Each A-member has one vote.
Absent members may authorize another member.
Voting is open and the decision is made by a simple majority.
In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting has a double vote.

Log in to see actual attendance list, result of voting and the list of members

Link SBNs annual meetings

SBNSBN - Adfahrer & SBN CLT team

Contact EM if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.

Eva-Maria FahrerEva-Maria Fahrer
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+46 70 569 78 08


Tags: sap knowledge

Number of participants: 10

  • Terje Lund  
    Hemit HF
  • Eva-Maria Fahrer  
  • Dag Håkon Myrdal (SBN Kasserer)  
    Aker Solutions AS
  • Jan Morten Solhaug  
  • John Christian Hveding  
    NorgesGruppen Data AS
  • Svanhild Didriksen  
    ConocoPhillips Norge
  • Kjell Jensen (Leder)  
    Arcus-Gruppen AS
  • Gunn Elisabeth Løland Lending  
    Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring
  • Nick Banks (Nest Leder)  
    Nets Branch Norway AS
  • Didrik Arstad  