SBN Annual meeting for 2023
March 22th 09:00-10:00.
- Get informed about last years SBN achievements.
- Meet the SBN CLT members.
- Please login to get full functionality.
- The meeting can be recorded and is held as a webinar.
- One vote per A-member.
- Pre-registration is mandatory Voting results, on this link.
Agenda Norsk:
- Klargjøring av stemmeberettigede 👏
- Godkjenning av innkalling. (link e-post sent 7 Februar 2024) 👏
- Valg av møteleder 👏
- Valg av en person til å skrive referat og to personer til å signer referatet 👏
- Fremleggelse og godkjenning av virksomhetens årsberetning (Link) 👏
- Fremleggelse av foreningens regnskap (link)
- Fremleggelse av revisors beretning (link)
- Godkjennelse av foreningens regnskap 👏
- Fremleggelse av budsjett for inneværende år og økonomisk status hittil i år (link)
- Fastsettelse av neste års medlemskontingent til foreningen
(foreslått uendret 2.500,-)👏 - Behandling av innkomne forslag
- link, fra medlem innkomne forslag, styret i hende 14 dager før årsmøtet
- Valg av styreleder og styremedlemmer (link) 👏
- Valg av revisorer 👏
- Valg av valgkomité 👏
- Andre saker.
Agenda in English:
- Preparation of list of people entitled to vote
- Approval of timely e-mail notice.
- Election of chair of the meeting
- Election of one person to write the minutes and two people to sign the minutes
- Presentation of the non financial annual report
- Presentation of the union accounts
- Presentation of the auditor's report
- Approval of the association's accounts
- Presentation of budget next year
- Determination of next year's membership fee to the association (unchanged)
- Processing of received proposals. Proposals received from a members 14 days before the annual meeting.
- Election of chairman and board members
- Election of auditors
- Election of nomination committee
- Other
Members of SBN:
- A-members: Organizations that are SAP customers.
Please fiind the list in the member area on the right (Login required)
A-member has one vote. Absent members may authorize another member.
- B-members: Suppliers to SAP customers
Please fiind the list in the member area on the right (Login required)
- Voting is open and the decision is made by a simple majority.
- In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting has a double vote.
- See attendance list below. After the meeting the minutes are published in the member area on the right.
Link SBN vedtekter (in Norwegian)
SBN - Adfahrer & SBN CLT team 2022
Contact EM if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.
Eva-Maria Fahrer
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+46 70 569 78 08
Tags: sbn, sbn adfahrer
Number of participants: 11
Kjell Jensen (Leder)Arcus-Gruppen AS
Jan Morten SolhaugForsvaret
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Svanhild DidriksenConocoPhillips Norge
Gunn Elisabeth Løland LendingDirektoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring
Dag Håkon Myrdal (SBN Kasserer)Aker Solutions AS
Terje LundHemit HF
Kristin DyrudYara International
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Nick Banks (Nest Leder)Nets Branch Norway AS
John Christian HvedingNorgesGruppen Data AS