SBN Energy Day
March 9th, 08:30-15:30
A day with focus on topics primarily for the Energy industry.
The agenda this year focus on S/4HANA and integration for logistics processes as well as innovation within Enterprise Asset Management. In addition, we receive the latest news from Equinor's work with Peppol / EHF for the purchasing area.
If you find the agenda interesting you are welcome to join!
Presentations will be held in English and Norwegian
Contact Bernt if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.
Bernt Bakken
Head of Energy & Logistics in SBN
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 480 34 248
• Link to pictures from 2019
• Link to pictures from 2020
• Link to agenda from 2020
Tags: bouvet, deloitte, opentext, s5 consulting, sap knowledge, supply chain
Wintershall Dea SAP S/4 Hana solution development & implementation [SLIDES WILL NOT BE MADE PUBLIC]
- Pågående SAP prosjekt (S/4H, HR/ Concur, R/3 Carve out) og hva disse består av
- Overordnet gjennomføringsmodell og plan for S/4H prosjektet
- Involvering og opplæring
- Ny offshore logistikk løsning ILES (erstatning for RLM), med interface mot Wels (felles løsning for boring & drift)
- Ny løsning for innkjøp ved bruk av Coupa, med interface mot SAP
- 5 min for Q&A
Recording: [slides]
Beyond RLM at Equinor
- Equinor, i samarbeid med SAP, kjører nå et prosjekt kalt Beyond RLM på bruk av standard S/4HANA funksjonalitet (ERP, EWM, TM) som erstatning for dagens RLM (Remote Logistics Management) løsning. Det vil bli gitt en gjennomgang på innhold, status og tidsplan.
- 5 min for Q&A
Geir Aakre
Principal Analyst IT Architecture at Equinor
Recording: [slides]
Full Scale S/4HANA and SAP Ariba implementation at Dragon Oil – Focus on Logistics and Assets Management Solution and related improvements.
- Dragon Oil partnered with Deloitte to assist them in the implementation of the SAP suite consisting of S/4 HANA, SuccessFactors, Ariba and Concur. The session will focus on the effects of the standard SAP processes adaptation and Operational Complexity reduction on visibility with respect to return on assets and equipment. During the session, we will also cover lessons learned and the improvements customer has achieved since the go-live of solution.
- 5 min for Q&A
- Hvor langt er de forskjellige selskap kommet?
- Hvilke strategier er valgt? Planer de neste 2 år.
Recording: [slides]
Direct SAP Integration of Your Parcel Service Providers and Forwarding Companies
- Learn how other companies have achieved a full integration of the shipping process in SAP ERP for Parcel Service Providers and Forwarding Companies. This is fast becoming an increasingly important consideration, particularly for companies that have to send many packages with different parcel service providers and forwarding companies every day.
- Includes a quick demo of the process.
- 5 min for Q&A
- Portal for å integrere og visualisere brønndata fra flere kilder, og et nøkkelverktøy for Well Integrity hos ConocoPhillips, onshore og offshore. Opprinnelig ble systemet laget som et dashboard for å samle informasjon om brønnstatus og risiko. Etter hvert har det blitt utviklet til også å bli en portal for input av brønn- og ventildata, med grensesnitt mot SAP. I første fase omfatter dette grensesnittet oppdatering av brønn-relaterte Functional Locations og Equipment i SAP med fokus på Gas Lift Valves (GLV), samt testresultater. Andre fase dekker også oppdatering av det preventive vedlikeholdsprogrammet inkl. endring av vedlikeholdsfrekvenser basert på GLV testresultater og andre utstyrsspesifikke kriterier. Grensesnittet er basert på SAP standard web services.
- 5 min for Q&A
Recording: [slides]
Solutions for The Energy Industry with OpenText Content Cloud
- OpenText provides Enterprise Information Management solutions that help Oil & Gas and Utilities companies modernize their processes and content management to improve asset performance, reduce costs and leverage the power of analytics. Such benefits enable them to achieve operational excellence through digital transformation. This session will provide an overview of the OpenText Enterprise Information Management product family, which serves an estimated 85 percent of major energy companies. OpenText helps companies manage content with integration to major enterprise applications, such as ArcGIS®, AutoCAD®, AVEVATM, SAP® and Maximo®. We will also explore how to leverage the OpenText best practices to deploy a Cloud solution that can help you to achieve your own operational excellence as well as a look at some typical customer use cases and benefits.
- 5 min for Q&A
Recording: [slides01][slides02]
IT evolution of Enterprise Asset Management
- Mobility in EAM processes
- Areas of improvements in EAM
- Maximisation of the strategic value of data and integration with Cognite
- Next-generation Intelligent Asset Management solutions from SAP - hand-on experience from Evora IT.
- 5 min for Q&A.
Sveinung Gehrken
CEO & Founder at S5 Consulting, and [Expert BTP Developer] at S5 Consulting
Operational Planning – Minimizing risk in offshore operations [SLIDES WILL NOT BE MADE PUBLIC]
- A case presentation from one of the first applications released on Equinor’s data platform. Integrating critical information in operational planning to support decision makers in minimizing risk and spot efficiency opportunities. The application presents information types like Work Orders, Notifications, Material status, Vessel information, Wells, Work Environment Risk, Unwanted Incidents, Planned activities, Personnel on board, Dispensation/Deviations, Technical Barrier status and Weather. All these information types are presented visually, in an intuitive user interface.
- 5 min for Q&A
Number of participants: 110
Åshild Viker TillerStatkraft AS
Nina BakulinaDeloitte
Anette K. KyllingstadConocoPhillips Norge
Marianne StenvaagConocoPhillips Norge
Ilya AmosovS5 Consulting
Joakim LövesSBN-Adfahrer
Svanhild DidriksenConocoPhillips Norge
Gjøran HaugeConocoPhillips Norge
Marianne BrathetlandConocoPhillips Norge
Janne Kristin MoeConocoPhillips Norge
Odd SnähreEquinor
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Terje PedersenS5 Consulting
Trond JansenAibel AS
Sigmund FrøilandGassco
Tone SæbøConocoPhillips Norge
Trond RøvangSAP Norge AS
Arne Kjetil NilsenWintershall DEA Norge AS
Bernt BakkenSBN-Adfahrer
Stian WindslandS5 Consulting
Svein Inge IdsøEquinor
Gjert GjertsenEquinor
Ewa BeckmanOpenText
Marianne Eggers HøieGassco
Egil Magne HansenGassco
Catherine AdamsSopra Steria
Bernt OlsenAkerBP
Folke Ørsted HansenOpenText
Bruno GarciaStatkraft AS
Jason RoweDeloitte
Erik AndresenDeloitte
Randi KlevenStatkraft AS
Henry EngelenShell
Roland zum BuschBouvet
Britt KillingbergForsvaret
Jan Steinar OseassenEquinor
Stian LundeConocoPhillips Norge
Svein Helge HøydalStatkraft AS
Stine FikerudHalliburton AS
Kristian HaarrConocoPhillips
Kåre HaagensenSAP Norge AS
Stian Fraas Vogsborgitelligence
Sander StavlandConocoPhillips Norge
Sylvi FageråsSAP Norge AS
Monika Latac-OkaguConocoPhillips Norge
Inger SchmidtEquinor
Margareth SekseConocoPhillips Norge
Kenneth SkogenPetroleumstilsynet
Christian BrandtzægEquinor
Gjert Terje GjersvikSAP
Terje LoddenAkerBP
Gjert Terje GjersvikSAP Norge AS
Tor MonsenVår Energi
Abhisek PandeyDeloitte
carsten hopstocksap
Merethe OlafsenSAP
Thor Øyvind Nilsen (SBN Kasserer)Equinor
Chanakya SharmaDeloitte
Ole Bernhard SyltøyEquinor
Dag Håkon MyrdalAker Solutions AS
Klaus Skov-KristensenSAP Danmark AS
Artur LatifovS5 Consulting
Øyvind FossAibel AS
Jarle SkovliSiemens Energy AS
Veronika GulsettDeloitte
Tine Gjøse VermedalEquinor
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Henning Landsnes BirkelandEquinor
Inger Lise HelleAkerBP
Bernt EvensenConocoPhillips Norge
Frank Otto FrantzenConocoPhillips Norge
Berit RobertsenAkerBP
Niklas SelleAkerBP
Thoralf AndreassenVår Energi
Lorenz OberholzerConocoPhillips Norge
Ingrid StrømlandAkerBP
Cathrine Weiseth/Young-HalvorsenEquinor
Thor Willy SkogConocoPhillips Norge
Nils Jakob SolsvikSiemens Energy AS
Geir AakreEquinor
Andre NilsenWintershall DEA Norge
Johannes WiikDeloitte
Einar MidtunWintershall DEA Norge
Bart CornelissenDeloitte
Plyush MistryDeloitte
Kjetil HalvorsenCognite AS
Aqeel AjaziOpenText
Tatiana MoguchayaCognite AS
Thomas GudmestadBouvet
Claus Bagger Knudsenitelligence
Richard ButlinOpenText
Merete Skjelten TveitConocoPhillips Norge
Jens FriemeltOpenText
Arne Johan LarsenEquinor
Karthik SettyEvora IT Solutions
Torbjørn HaugstadConocoPhillips Norge
Anders NystølAkerBP
Henning DanielsenAkerBP
Ronny OlaisenStatkraft AS
Terje SkobbaTakeda AS
Stian BryneKverneland AS
Thor Magnar PaulsenStatkraft Energi AS
Astrid Thommesen SæbøSAP Norge AS
David CameronUniversitetet i Oslo
Helge TorsøyAkerBP
Arne GjerstadEquinor
Sveinung GehrkenS5 Consulting
Njål OmlandAker Solutions AS