SBN Day on SAP Group Reporting @SAP
May 2 09:00 - 14:00
SBN Dagskonferanse SAP Group Reporting - sett av 2. Mai for å høre mer om din neste konsolideringsløsning.
Blant nye muligheter og funksjonalitet av stor interesse og potensiell verdi for dem som har flyttet eller migrerer til S/4HANA, så fremstår konsolideringsløsningen SAP Group Reporting som en mulig "lavthengende frukt" under gitte forutsetninger. Å konsolidere i det samme systemet, hvor alle transaksjonene ligger, gir muligheter for full drill-down og "audit-trail".
På 2. Mai fra 0900 - 1330 hos SAP Norge i Oslo eller digitalt vil du for første gang ikke bare få en presentasjon av SAP Group Reporting og nyheter, men også høre erfaringer fra selskaper som har tatt i bruk Group Reporting eller er i ferd med å implementere Group Reporting i sine virksomheter. Du vil få svar på spørsmål som hva, hvorfor og hvordan og om Group Reporting er det rette for din virksomhet og når. Blant bidragene hører vi fra Equinor, DSV og NTT Business Services, som har gjort/gjør 3 ulike implementeringer av Group Reporting.
I tillegg kommer Jesper Schou Nielsen og Trond Valldal fra SAP, som har betydelig kompetanse fra ulike prosjekter på Group Reporting.
Agendapunktene for dagen vil bli pulbicert:
- Overview of Group Reporting – Architecture & main benefits
- Currency Translation & Consolidation – Common Practices, Best Practices and other practices.
- New Functions/Functionality in Group Reporting
- Use Cases from Equinor, DSV and 3 other cases from Denmark
Kom og la deg inspirere samt få nyttige erfaringer fra personer, som sitter tett på løsning og implementering.
Link to Pictures made during the day
Har du spørsmål eller kommentarer, ta gjerne kontakt med:
Didrik Arstad
Head of Innovation Team Finance & Analytics
SAP User Group in Norway - SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
Cell: +47 90562921
Tags: deloitte, finance, analytics, ntt data business solutions, sap, sap knowledge, sbn - event
Networking and Coffee
Overview of Group Reporting – Architecture & main benefits
Short introduction to the main features of SAP Group Reporting, its architecture and main benefits.
Jesper Schou Nielsen
Business Process Principal Consultant, SAP Customer Success – Services – Intelligent Delivery Group, Finance, EMEA at SAP SE
Trond Valldal
Experienced SAP BPC Consultant, NW and MS, planning and consolidation at SAP
Equinor – Implementation of S/4HANA & Group Reporting
As part of the larger NextGen ERP project in Equinor, several workstreams and POC's have been on the agenda for the past year or so, including Group Reporting. This session will be about the journey so far and the implications and pro's and con's for Equinor to implement Group Reporting.
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
Thor Øyvind Nilsen
Leader F&C Business Architecture & Processes at Equinor
Irene R Røssland
Lead Analyst F&C at Equinor
Currency Translation & Consolidation – Common Practices, Best Practices and other practices.
- Intro
- Open discussion
Jesper Schou Nielsen
Business Process Principal Consultant, SAP Customer Success – Services – Intelligent Delivery Group, Finance, EMEA at SAP SE
DSV - Implementation of S/4HANA & Group Reporting.
DSV is among the largest logistics operators in the world. They went live with their S4 system in 2021, doing a lift and shift from ECC to SAP S/4HANA version 2020. Due to their growth strategy the need to incorporate Group Reporting for consolidation of a growing number of subsidiaries came high on the agenda after the migration. This session will be about the project and take aways from the Group Reporting project in DSV.
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
Claus Aggeboe
Lead Architect for Finance & Group Systems at DSV - Global Transport and Logistics
New Functions/Functionality in Group Reporting
- Latest additions and how you can benefit from them
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
Jesper Schou Nielsen
Business Process Principal Consultant, SAP Customer Success – Services – Intelligent Delivery Group, Finance, EMEA at SAP SE
Trond Valldal
Experienced SAP BPC Consultant, NW and MS, planning and consolidation at SAP
Experiences from Group Reporting implementations
Based on hands-on experiences from 2 completed projects and 1 in-flight NTT DATA Business Solutions will share their experience with Group Reporting. What are the learnings from some of the first Group Reporting projects in the Nordic Region, how can you as a company prepare yourself for a Group Reporting implementation and what is the feed-back from the companies, who have used Group Reporting for several months, including a year-end closing procedure. The various customer cases will be introduced and reflection is based on own experiences and feedback from clients.
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
Lars Johansen
Director, EPM, GRC and Sustainability Business Consulting at NTT DATA Business Solutions
Wrap Up - Questionnaire closed
Number of participants: 68
Ashish GargStatkraft AS
Thor Øyvind NilsenEquinor
Ingvild Johansen HaugnesHydro ASA
Shvarand Luxman RajasingamSopra Steria
Espen HenæsSchibsted ASA
Misael ThomeSchibsted ASA
Sigrid RambølSchibsted ASA
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Rudi DreyerBouvet
Lauri TalvitieSopra Steria
Irene R RøsslandEquinor
Michael IrvingNorsk Hydro AS
Aksel OlandNorsk Hydro
Lars JohansenNTT Data Business Solutions
Jesper Schou NielsenSAP AG
trond ValldalSAP Norge AS
Arvind KumarBouvet
Gudbjørg ArnadottirSAP
Tilde BrunnbergEquinor
Gro S SkjævelandEquinor
Joakim LövesSBN-Adfahrer
Elisabet ThuestadEquinor
Hilde Stokka GeorgsenEquinor
Gro Nygård EgeEquinor
Marit WienNorsk Hydro AS
Jørgen AasenHemit HF
Britt Randi FjelltunPearl
Bjarne BreinbjergAlumeco A/S
Roland zum BuschStatkraft AS
Sigrid Røed LandgraffNortura
Tilde BrunnbergEquinor
Anne Tori MagnussenTechnipFMC
Lisbeth StenersenTechnipFMC
May Britt HolstadEquinor
Azim FiazWintershall DEA Norge AS
Anna GüthoffCGI
Eric Paul TolentinoEquinor
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Claus AggeboeDSV
Sissel FjellTakeda AS
Christoffer KleibergNTT DATA Business Solutions
Ingjerd AamodtSAP
Sonja Opofte-SyverstenVår Energi
Marthe SolvangVår Energi
Jose EximenoTakeda AS
Rolf EriksenÅrvollveien 60K
Per Arne SteinslandMills
Terje KristiansenVår Energi
Øyvind NygaardVår Energi
Mariann EgeliEquinor
Morten RuaYara Norge AS
Unni SedbergEquinor
Magne AaseEquinor ASA
Christian PedersenSAP Denmark AS
Jens BreitensteainNovozymes
Jan Egil ThorsenEquinor
Alfhild StorhaugEquinor
Bastian Buch KleinNovozymes
Rolf EriksenElkjøp Nordic
Annamari KattainenSAP Finland
Anders KristensenEquinor
Frode SlevelandSAP
Inge André TonningForsvaret
Eirik VelandEquinor