International Collaboration and influencing work
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 15/04/2021 09:27
The SUGEN conference started week 14 with discussions with Christian Klein CEO of SAP and Jürgen Müller the CTO. Above you find a printscreen from the meeting with Christian Klein, in blue Jacket in middle of the picture.
Christian was very proud of the customer adoption rate on RISE as well as S/4HANA. Find customer cases on S/4HANA in a Flippbook on this link. Please on this link find document with answers in writing to Questions sent to Christian Klein by the SUGEN community on beforehand.
Above a print screen from the meeting with Jürgen Müller the CTO the same day. Jürgen Müller in the bottom row in the first position, shared a little from his background where he as young student among other things had digitised the reality for a professional photographer and at the same time understood the benefit of digitalisation.
SAP have for a long time focused on the integration beteen their solutions. As I understood the status, the latest versions of SAP solutions are integrated.
The focus is now, on the next step, to streamline the Data Domain and the Semantic Layer. The first entiites are ready and Jürgen invited SBN and the the other user groups to influence which of the more than 100 entities SAP should prioritise and where focus should be first. Please find Jürgen Müllers presentation on this link
This means, if you are in a project where you need SAPs focus on streamlining a certain type of data, tell me (Eva-Maria Fahrer)
Almost a month before the above SUGEN meeting, we joined into an other example of collaboration with SAP. On March 25th, SBN joined in for collaboration and influencing in an extraordinary roundtable-call with Brian Duffy and is successor Rohit Nagarajan.
Agenda was the introduction of Rohit Nagarajan and Andy Kite to the User Groups in EMEA North. Rohit is replacing Brian Duffy and Andy replaces Angela Massey, who are moving away from EMEA North to take the repsonsibility for RISE.
The User Group used the opportunity to introduce themselves to Rohit and Andy after this introduction invited to future meeting collaboration. I shared a few KPIs from our SBN year 2020, as example the 85% participation rate at the online conference and the 8 hours average attendance, see link. I also took the opportunity to share a few facts about our fantastic Norway in general.
In every SUGEN meeting there is also an internal SUGEN day, this year the 13th April, see picture above. During this day in the SUGEN conference program the User Groups "internally" share information and learn from each other. The day is and was as always lead by Craig Dale,Chief Executive, UK & Ireland SAP User Group.
SBN contributed 3 times in the program. First with a knowledge sharing presentaion on our experience from the online SBN Conference run in October. Second together with SAPSA we made a knowledge sharing session on "learning sessions", the topic was the SAP Technical Academy on SAP Business Technology Platform, which we just very successfully have run.
And as the third, we did run a small knowledge exchange workshop together with South Africa on the topic of actions for attracting new members.
My and Joakim Löves time was well spent, we learned a lot which will benefit our members.
Link to the second article sharing the selected knowledge I believe is essential for our members. Topics like Business Process intelligence based on Signavio, Localisation, Learning, Adoption, S/4HANA strategy, RISE with SAP, Integration and activities our GUGO support team have planed for the next comming half year.
All the best, Eva-Maria Fahrer. Comments or ideas? Please find contact information here