Our plans for 2022

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 02/02/2022 16:29

We are planning the upcoming year and the spring in particular.

Status today

1) Our "Days" are again planned to be as they where before the pandemic.
Hybrid meetings = In-person and Face2Face plus possible to dial-in to. 

  • This means almost all speakers will be on site in the room
  • The meetings will be possible to join remote
  • Nettworking is important and agenda is planned to enable nettoworking.
  • The meeting will again be optimised for people in the room
  • The presentations will be recorded except for round table discussions
  • Members can host meetings and get speakers and attendees into their facilities
  • Would you like a meeting held in your location? Tell us
  • Would you like a certain topic to be on the agenda? Tell us

    The final decision, if F2F or virtual, is taken 2 March for:
  • Energy is held in Bouvets premisies in Stavanger
  • Analytics, with focus on SAC, is held in Hydros premisis in Oslo.
  • See web for later Days:
    • They all have "Day" in the name.
    • Days are marked with "F2F location & Remote". 

2) Our "Workshops" will all be remote (status today).

  • Topics are Low-Code/NoCode, Process Automation and Integration
  • It's possible to wish for WS topics

3) There are plans for longer "Half day webinar".

  • We are looking at doing halfdays on a certain topic. 
  • It's possible to wish for topics

4) Webinars are remote only on Fridays as always at 9:00, 10:30 and 13:00.

  • The webinar can be joined from any location.
  • Presentations are recorded see our large library.
  • The Webinars are also used to discuss a topic (as a meeting). 
  • Do you want to share or dicuss a topic? Tell us.

5) The SBN Conference will be in-person in central Oslo

  • The keynote room will be connected and makes it possible to join remote.
  • The premises have nice dinner facilities, the evening will be awesome
  • The attendance fee will be similar to 2019 when the conference was F2F
  • There will be a lower fee for virtual only attendance
  • Central location for maximum 250 people 
    Our members have indicated their companies are aiming for less carbon and therefore also less travels. We hope the connected conference location will cater for this wish. Our "Days" have always meet the requirement as we are at member locations and it's possible to dial in.


Our choice of topics in 2022 are based on:

  • the survey results (survey we made in December)
  • input we got during 2021.
  • input from the program committee teams planning the program
  • input from many, many meetings we are doing right now.

Have we forgotten a for you important topic? 

Eva-Maria FahrerGet in contact ...
call me on 922 525 39 or international on 0046 705 697 808

I and my colleagues will do our best to meet your wish


Soon we are back to this ... ðŸ˜Š (Picture from projects in 2019)



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Tags: cx, retail, finance, analytics, hr, remuneration, it, hana, projects, supply chain