Pictures and Recordings from SBN HR dag 1 i Oslo @SAP

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 09/05/2023 20:55

Velkommen by Didrik Arstad, Head of Finance, Analytics & HR at SBN-Adfahrer

Erik Ebert, Director, People Analytics and Business Development at Effective People sharing Capabilities, Value and Latest Release Highlights of People Analytics 

Dag Oliver, Chief Sustainability Officer at Zalaris AS sharing hvordan ESG rapportering kan gjøres enklere med data som alt er tilgjengelige, med eksemper fra Zalaris

Marita Johansen, Senior Manager/Konsulentsjef at Sariba sharing Nytt og Muligheter innen Payroll Control Centre i SAP

Vi fylte alle ut nettsideskjemaet for å vinne gavekort, men så viste det seg at skjemaet ikke lagret teksten, så irriterende. I stedet vil det bli sendt ut en e-post namen på de 2 (med rett svar) som rakk å lagre å med 3 trukket vinnere









Very friendly and supportive all day -
Thank you SAP for support, facilities, lunch and refreshments

Camilla Møkkelgård, HXM Solution Advisor at SAP sharing on "Ny måte å tenke medarbeiderutvikling på med SuccessFactors Opportunity Marketplace."

Marit Andersen, Localization Product Manager Norway Globalization Services at SAP together with representatives from customer 

Lots of questions and discussions

Marita Johansen, Senior Manager/Konsulentsjef at Sariba sharing "Siste nytt fra SAP" a presentation followed by lots of questions and discussions

Didrik Arstad closed the day and wished welcome to Stavanger in person or remote. See you tomorrow! Link to the program for the Oslo day with recordings and presentations for download ehn ready 

Link to the program for the Stavanger day


Eva-Maria FahrerPictures and text by EM.




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