Pictures to cheer you up

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 10/12/2020 08:50

Pictures from past activities to cheer you up.

On this link you will find pictures, and links to pictures from previous events.
Maybe you will become a little happier and be cheered up by the memory of how what it is and was like to meet friends in person at SBN. Sunday is the third Advent. This year we get a few extra days after the fourth Advent and before Christmas Eve. This will hopefully reduce the stress around Christmas and give you time to spend on a few moments of daydreaming of the upcoming times and memories of the past.

We have planned for virtual events during 🌱 spring 2021. If the situation changes we will as quick as possible change back to Face2Face events where it's also possible to join remotely

All Spring Events (except webinars) are to be found on the webpage. It's possible to register even if the agenda has not been published. If you have ideas and wishes for an event, name phone and e-mail of the responsible person, is found on every event. We look forward to your contact!

The last opportunity we had to meet in person 2020, was the Energy Day. Its was an open question if the speakers could fly in to Stavanger as the Corona pandemic was just about to close down the society. See all pictures from this event on this link here

Do you remember the lovely Face2Face SBN Conferences? Link to pictures from SBN Conference 2019 2018 and  2017  The 2020 version was OK but virtual is not so fun, recordings here, numbers and summary here and a link to my thoughts short after the conference. Link to Quiz 

Picture above from Project Day 2019, see all pictures on this link. There will be a day for those who are interested in projects also in 2021, see this link.

Picture from HR Day in 2019 - We did meet in Oslo and Stavanger simultaneously. See all pictures here  The HR day in 2021 is planned for in May and published here.


Picture from Finance Day in 2019, see all pictures  on this link. This is the link to the upcoming Finance day in May 2021

Links to pictures from previous events can be found on the new events created for 2021 which are linking back to agendas and pictures. Or, you can look at the "events" and then select "past events" This link  . Pictures from before 2019 will be published as soon as we have the time to start this project  


Eva-Maria FahrerPublished by Eva-Maria, who is enjoying the memory of those times when we did meet without thinking of any diseases. Comment thought or ideas? Give me a call or send an e-mail em(at) +46 70 569 78 08 


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