SBN Conference sponsor spaces for Platinum and Gold were sold out in less than 10 minutes

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 17/06/2021 13:52

This year as previous years the spaces for sponsors was released at a certain clocktime. The platinum and Gold where sold out in less than 10 minutes and most of the silver packages are also gone. 2-3 silver packages are left but we beleive they will be sold out before summer.

The conference is a 6 day virtual program. This is the same as last year plus a Face2Face day which is keep seperate as regulations and situtation in the fall is difficult to predict. 

Dont forget!
The best and discounted price expires June 30.

Link to Virtual 6 days SBN Conference 2021
Link to Face2Face SBN Conferece day

Early Bird SBN Conference 2021


Link to articles explaining the 2021 SBN Conference concept. Read more on this April link and  on this link from March. 5 days virtual and one day planned to be "Hybrid" = F2F and virtual. We aim for F2F at the Munch museum in Oslo and have booked the facilities for the 15 November. The date is late as the museum has postponed the opening for external guests once more. Final decision on which day and how the F2F day will be performed will be made in end of August.



Questions? Are you interested in Sponsor opportunities talk to Joakim Löves, in Logistics or HR presentations talk to Bernt Bakken, in IT, S/4HANA, projects, CX or retail area talk to Martin Brownsword, presentations in Finance and Analytics talk to Didrik Arstad or in Sustainability or if you have general questions talk to Eva-Maria Fahrer. Please find contact information on this link 




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