SBN Conference survey comments and very draft plans 2023

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 07/11/2022 18:40

Evaluation numbers.

We have the pleasure to share evaluations and comments we have received from our members after the SBN Conference. The picture below shows the 21st anonymous replies we became. It had been even nicer with more comments and evaluations, but we are off course happy whith the ones we got.



The survey replies in the picture above, transferred to an Excel calculation. As you see below, the average value of the replies was calculated to 5,33



Written comments:

On the question "Which presentation was most valuable for you? And why?" we got the following comments:

  • Presentasjonene fra Statkraft, AkerBP, Wintershall og Helse Midt Norge. Nyttig med ærlige historier fra brukerne, ikke fra konsulentselskapene.
  • None was particularly exciting - while most of the presenters emphasized the importance and plans around analytics but none shared their experience in detail around any analytics product.
  • Alt med PLM
  • Main presentations by Statkraft & panel discussions in main assebly. Relevant information, well presented by knowledged people.
  • The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond - interesting to learn about their experiences and what to concentrate on Carbon management visibility, for travel and transports based on SAP Concur - Learning about how Sustainability can be built into Concur
  • Statkraft and Helse Midt. Detailed presentation with lots of relevans to S4 journey and lessons learned.
  • Key note track
  • The RISE experiences were good, but there should have been some more focus also on products
  • Flere gode kunde-historier.
  • All of Dani's presentations on SAP Retail in cloud etc. :D
  • I enjoyed much the presentations by Stakraft and Equinor. Still the presentation by Elkjop was the most valuable for me, as I think it shows that SAP technology also has its limitations for certain industries, and that system landscapes can become very complex.
  • Gassco was great
  • Likte godt innlegget til Wintershall DEA, Beyond RLM med Equinor/SAP og Low-no-code tools. Også Intelligent Fiance & Automated Closing var bra. 
  • The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond Learn how Louis Poulsen converted from ECC 6.0 to S/4HANA with the NTT DATA Conversion Factory Approach was best
  • Likte Endringsledelse, VårEnergi
  • Definitely all SAP´s presentations (and they were on English as well).
  • Statkraft - The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond
  • Mange bra, Equinor/Statkraft første dagen var bra, Statkrafts andre også.


What themes would you like to hear more about? Selected proposals

  • Actually more of the same, 2022 topic balance were quite good. General about S/4 approaches, which pre-steps/projects gave value, Fiori approach in the organization 
  • Enda mer detaljer om utfordringene med å gå over til S/4, men også om de gode erfaringene.
  • I would really appreciate hearing about analytics and their journey including success and failures
  • PLM
  • New products, user experience, mobility
  • Next year I would like to hear more from Dani, similar to this year, only new current status. 
  • Process automation.
  • Ulike plattformer for low-code/no-code.
  • Employee Central payroll Workforce Software
  • Bruk av Business Technology Platform.
  • På stands hadde mange selskaper "give-aways" men lite info om hva det enkelte selskap tilbyr.
  • It was a nice mix to choose from, so we can all choose the area of interest. Listening to journeys and other companies experience is very interesting and we can all learn from each other.
  • Logistics solutions, both in core S4 but also integrated products/standard SAP products on the side/in cloud,.
  • Mer om S/4HANA Cloud


Any other comment?

  • Keep the quality of 2022, increase number of participants and presentations. Could wish it was a bit more difficult to decide&choose between paralell presentations the agenda.
  • Festlig med oktoberfest, god mat og konferanselokaler. De som holdt foredrag var interessante, selv om det gikk mye på S/4HANA og reisen dit.
  • Thanks for a fantastic conference!
  • Takk for at dere er så dyktige, kreative og får tak i så mange foredragsholdere som vil dele sine erfaringer
  • A more traditional dinner would be nice for next time. (3 course by table) But it was a very nice evening. The location was perfect.
  • Legg mer til rette for mingling. Greit med "Oktoberfest", men musikken kunne godt vært lavere i starten av arrangementet.
  • I strongly believe, that it was not very inclusive that +80% of the presentations was conducted in local language! I also think that the break area with exhibitors was to littel - it simple way to crowed and to packed.
  • Fornøyd :-) 
  • Veldig kjekt å være på en fysisk SBN konferanse igjen og treffe alle. Få påfyll og inspirasjon. Fantastisk god lunsj og beliggenheten var veldig bra for konferansen. Det som jeg ikke synes fungerte så bra var at i felles område var det veldig trangt.



Articles shared on LinkedIn after the SBN Conference (articles which I know of)

  1. This was shared by Blackline
  2. This was shared by Sarbia
  3. This was shared by Jan Marsli Sariba
  4. This was shared by Deloitte 
  5. This was shared by TJC
  6. This was shared by us, Bernt Bakken
  7. This was shared by us, Eva-Maria Fahrer

Status November 1, 2022




Link to the Quiz winners and the Quiz questions 




News published on SBN page


Very Draft SBN Conference plan for 2023.

A two day Conference in the same week and location as 2022, but a Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • The choice of week is the first week after autumn school holidays
  • The choice of days is related to the location being partly booked on Thursday. The reason for few and small rooms on Thursday in 2022 was the location being partly booked and we would like to avoid this in 2023.
  • The choice of location is based on the overall postive overall comments we recieved. 



Eva-Maria Fahrer

Summary by Eva-Maria Fahrer, Chief Executive Officer SBN-Adfahrer





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