SBN Data Governance Day - New Name

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 31/05/2023 08:42

SBN Data Governance Day is the new name for SBN Master Data Quality Day. Also the Group in the SBN community changes namn.

During the SBN Data Quality Day the 26 of April we made a survey.  In this Survey 42,9 said Data Governance is a better name. Second was the old name with 28,6% of the votes. See picture with survey result. But, to be honest also the yellow could be counted as "keep the name". Yellow and and Blue together are exactly 42,9% which is exactly the same value as for SBN Data Governance Day. Still, for now we will change the name and will ask the participants of the day at later stage, again, for guidance.


If you are interested in joining this team, log in and "choose" Join. In this way you will be invited to future events interesting for members of this team.  It could be you are already a member. After an event we  update the teams with the people who have attended the event to ensure everyone is invited next time. If you do not want to be part of a team just click on "leave" and your name is not anymore on the team member list.

The community web functionality has been updated. This has been on our wish list for a very long time. In this new release, the list of team members is more central and posts less central. But we have discoved only teams with less than 100 people have their memebers listed. This will be corrected.


Any comments ideas or thoughts ...
just call
me on 92252539 or Didrik on 90562921





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