Who attended the conference?

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 31/10/2019 07:32

There is always a discussion about who you actually meet. Time is limited. We all want to solve our challenges quick. To ask the right people is the fastest way forward.

Statistics show more than 70% of the people at the conference had a very high level of knowledge about topics around SAP and the software products from SAP. 

  • There were some very knowledged people from SAP called "product owners. These people are responsible of their part of the SAP product. They know their part of the SAP system and the future of this functionality. We are very proud to say, we had the best people on site from this category.
  • There were some very skilled people from SAP, Consulting companys and Customers with the helicopter view. People who know about how to put softwareproducts together, how to install and how to maintain them.
  • There were some very skilled people from SAP, Consulting copmaines and Customers with detailed knowledge in a certain area. 

More than 50% came from customers, 20% from SAP and 27% where skilled people from Consulting Companies and the last 3% where people who do not know much about SAP but do have a product or service for the community.

We where extreemly proud we had so many very experienced customers who shared their experience. Digistalisation is beeing implemented and not just a subject talked about.

There were also many very experience people at the conference just to build their network, learn and listen. This makes me happy as it shows the conference has had quality in program, and the gathering community  over the last years...

See the list of particpants here, in the bottom of the link

PS: Presentations are also found on the link above but also in the schedule here

See the story from before the conference

Eva-Maria Fahrer

By Eva-Maria Fahrer, CEO SBN Adfahrer.
Do you have comments or wish to share information or discuss ... please send me an e-mail to em(at)sbn.no or call +47 922 52 539

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